End of her life?

"Why no one come still now to save me" Sai thinks, she doesn't believe she gets kidnapped, Yesterday she is coming from club with her sister's and someone hit her head, and when she opened her eyes again, she is in this room, she is feeling nausea, she wanted to vomit, she is thirsty and hungry too but she can't, her mouth is stuffed with a cloth, she wanted to cry, but now she knows her father and aunt will come and save her. she heard footsteps and feel scared, the door open and she see her aunt and father coming inside. She tried to call him but because of the gauge in her mouth, She can't speak.

Her aunt sit down near her, remove the gauge from her mouth and ask her, "Sai, tell me where is the key of the safe of your grandpa"

"Which key?" Sai asks then she gets slapped, Sai can't believe on what is happening, her dear aunt is slapping her, she looks towards her father, and see he don't have any opinion about her getting slapped.

"Daddy, why aunt is slapping me, and take me home, I don't eat anything from yesterday" Sai said,

"You will get to eat if you tell us where is the key of the safe, which your grandpa leave for you"

"I don't know Sai said while crying, she doesn't understand why her loving father and aunt are acting like this.

"You pig, tell me honestly otherwise you will not see tomorrow morning" her aunt again slapped her, due to the force of her slap, Sai's head accidentally smashed on the wall and she lost her consciousness, but in just two minutes she again gains her consciousness, but she decided to act dizzy, she heard her aunt saying," Husband this bitch is not telling us, what should we do? what is the use of waiting for so many years and acting love games when I clearly hate her from my bone, it is good if we kill her with her mother"

"You kill my mother?" Sai asked with anger,

"oh, so you are acting, yes we kill your mother and your grandpa, and now if you don't tell us where is the key then we will also kill you"


"why, do you forgot the shares you give us on your 18th birthday, you are not your daddy's daughter we never love you, do you think we will love an idiot and good for nothing like you" her aunt said

"Calm down, Mangal, Sai, you tell us where is the key, and then maybe I will let you live"


"You are telling or not"

"I really don't know"

"Pig tell me otherwise.."

"I don't know and even if I know I will never tell you, you both are killer"

"Mangal don't waste our time, the gangster we appointed will do our work" after saying her daddy, pull her aunt towards the door, Sai see outside her step-sister no how can call her stepsister she is not related with her by blood, is standing, she thinks at least she will help her, but she sees her mockingly laughing.

"So, Sai how are you feeling, do you remember your mom is so much prideful of your look but now you can see that you are looking like a pig and I am looking like fairy, we all hate you, so tell us where is the key and die early so you can get reincarnated early, people like you who cant do anything are burden on the earth" Nisha said, and then leave the room.

Sai don't understand what is happening, but she realise that her so called family is her enemy and now they are asking her about a key which she don't know, she heard her father saying, "Do anything but find out the key" and after that she heard the door is slammed, after that two bulky man come inside and again ask her, seeing that she is not replying they again hit her, one man even kick her in stomach, she feel pain, but she decided that she will not say anything, what she can do, maybe today is the last day of her life.

They found a matchstick and after lighting this they stared to burn her with this, she is feeling too much pain, anger, sadness and fear all exploded in her mind, but fortunately for her those two man are tired of this, they go outside and come with a package, she see that the package have food and alcohol, she know they are gonna eat and drink now, at morning they also do this, and as she guess they started to drink and after some time, they get fully drunk, one of the man look towards her and tell his partner, "Even though this girl is too ugly she is still a woman, how about we take some pleasure,"

"shouldn't you have any choice, look how ugly she look"

"but she must be virgin" listening their conversation, Sai got goosebumps all over her body, she don't want to get ravish by those two people, if is there any God, then please save her. She see them again drinking, and one of the men come towards her and remove the rope which is tied her hand, and tell her that he is gonna play with her, Sai understand this things, she refuse and the man again kick her, but while kicking her he tremble, Sai see that other man is also dozing, she realise that both are drunk and this is her chance, she said that man with crying voice "I will do whatever you said, just give me some water" the man laughed loudly, and give her bottle, she drink some water and tell him to remove his pants, while he is busy she see a fruit knife there she quickly take this and attack the man, he screamed, and due to this the second man also come out of daze but Sai don't give them chance, and also stab him then she quickly run towards door and lock them inside, and start to run, she found out that she is in ruined villa, and but the door is locked, she found a window, she open the window and see that she is on second floor, she decided to jump it is better to die then suffered in this peoples hand after that she jump, fortunately she don't get injured, it just her leg can't take all her weight and her leg started to swollen but she ignore it and start running, but unfortunately for her, some of their people are guarding outside,the two men in the room start screaming and made those alert, still she try to run on the road, but a car come from behind, the road is narrow while trying to avoiding it she lost her balance and fall in valley.

So this will be end of her life?, no, she is not willing, she is not ready to die.