At shooting site

The next two days, Sai spends while doing housework, studying those books, and even practicing acting in front of Ani, Ani who already watch TV know what is acting, and he also helps her and also tries to act with her, Sai decided to take advantage of this, and let him wear the clothes of girl, thinking this, she giggled for a long time. Ani who doesn't know what she is thinking looks at her with a confused face.

In these two days, Mrs. Nene also get more friendly with them, the first reason is food while the second reason is both Ani and Sai tells her interesting things about the jungle, which really attracts Mrs. Nene, who likes to travel very much, Sai also got to know that before becoming famous writer, Mrs. Nene writes for free for whole seven year, the fame she gets is not instant. Listening to this Sai also realized that she also need to do hard work for something, previously before the kidnapping, she just wants a prince charming for herself, she is a way too innocent person, actually not innocent, but ignorant, she is also lazy and coward, and a people pleaser, she doesn't want to left her comfort zone.

After the incident of kidnapping her life change drastically, survival becomes the only goal for her, first, she is scared and uncomfortable in that environment but later she gets used to it. She managed to come out of her comfort zone and also become braver, previously she has very low self-esteem, but after experiencing death, betrayal and also hunger and such different life, she becomes more flexible, she sees the cruelty of the world but also see good people like her Aaji, her mother and her nanu, so still, she has her liveliness, Before coming here, she just has two motives in her head, first to take revenge from her so called family and second to protect Ani, but after talking with Mrs. Nene she feels she needs something more.

Mrs. Nene tells her that in life we need two things, one is the purpose and second is the relationship, here the relationship is not only the relationship of a lover, it may be friend, mom dad, or any other relationship, we should have our social life, In this regard, Sai is too poor, she doesn't have any good purpose, and also no social life, previously she is somewhat scared to trust anyone, but now after listening Mrs. Nene, she also wants someone at last one friend, thankfully she has Ani. Ani is her only family now, this cute little boy is the reason she smiles now. Ani is too innocent and funny, he is also very sensitive if Sai is sad, he guesses it correctly even if she doesn't show it on the face, and also try to make her laugh.

When they return to their new home, Sai pulls Ani in her arms and gives him kiss, Ani now used to it, but he still likes it, he really likes his Sai mau, she is the only person he has. He also kisses her back.

After two days, they both go to shooting spot, and Sai realized that being an actor is not that easy, she sits there quietly until her turn comes, thanks to Mr. Nene she gets good treatment, Ani who think that he is gonna watch something good like he watches in Tv get disappointed, he brings his bag with him, in which he put the sketchbook bought by Sai, and start drawing in it. Sai, unlike Ani, is somewhat happy, she always wanted to act in the film.

Soon her scene come to act, Mr. Nene in these two days get to know more about Sai and he realized that he can shoot an extra scene. He wanted to Sai to do some fight scene, the story is about a girl who escaped from human trafficking, and later help police to find those human traffickers, she also got to know that her dear once whom she trusts blindly also involve in this. Later while she is helping the police she falls for the ML who is a police officer. So it is an action drama masala film.

Mr. Nene already tells them the scene, he feels that as Sai is inexperienced then she might make mistakes, but to his surprise, she doesn't do any mistakes and completed the scene in three NG.

In this scene, she helps the heroine to leave the place where they put, but while helping her she gets to shoot and died there, This scene is not long, she just needs to fight with two peoples and climb on the wall and throw the rope to the heroine. After the scene gets shoot completed, the director praised both for their good acting, the main lead of this film also get surprised, because she can sense that this girl is newcomer, and still she perfectly understands this and even acts better.

In reality, Sai's acting is not that good, but she already face such type of situation, so from anyone else she understands the fear and the struggle better, so after completing the scene she takes permission from Mr. Nene to left the shoot. Mr. Nene is happy because they don't think it will get completed soon. They also know her situation so he gives her today's salary in advance, This is out of rule, but to give her salary he takes money from his own pocket because people get paid after some days of their work, and newcomer especially gets a lower salary, but due to her good act and also the food, he gives them so she gets a good salary.

Sai is too happy after getting the money, she now understands the value of money and also happy that she is able to earn money. She now has enough money, and her uncle will also come early, she decided to buy something for Ani. This child is too sensible that he doesn't ask anything, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't want the things. While coming here she sees an add of a toy shop, it is newly opened, she knows it must be costly but still, she can afford something for her cute angel. Thinking this she left to take him to the shop.

After going their Ani's eyes lit up, but still, he tries to not show it on the face, seeing his efforts to not look towards those toys make Sai laugh, she also realized that there is a section for children's cloth, the clothing here are too smooth and too stylish for children, she decided no matter what she will buy some for Ani. She takes Ani there and tells him to change clothes. She is too excited to see him in those clothes.

What she doesn't know is they attract a little troublemaker towards them.