Future home

The next day Sai wake up somewhat late than her usual time, i.e is at 6 AM, because right now she wakes up at 4 AM, but compare to the Sai before the accident who wake up at 10 AM, she is too early, she now got to know the power of early rising, previously she is a night owl, but not for productive things, she watches or spends her time on the phone, using nothing important, she just kills her time, then sleeps late, woke up late, then she spend at least an hour on phone again, and this way lots of her time is wasted, due to this she is getting bad grades, but now she is self-disciplined.

After finishing her morning routine, she takes Ani to the swimming pool, fortunately, no one is there, so she tells Ani to try swimming because she know Ani like to play in the water, after that Ani takes a bath, and then they go to eat breakfast while eating Sai realize that lots of people are glancing at her, which make her feel uncomfortable so she quickly comes to her room, and inspect herself, but found nothing wrong, then she asks Ani is she looking weird, on which Ani quickly hugs her leg, and tell her "no, you are looking too beautiful"

Listening this Sai thinks that maybe they are looking her because of this, she know lots of people glance towards Nimisha like that, indeed Nimisha is beautiful, but Sai never get this type of glances, so she is feeling uncomfortable, but yup their is some joy too, previously everyone call her fat, pig, ugly because she has so many acne and pimples scares on her face, and also she is obese, but now looking at her face, no one think that her face is previously full of dark spots and so many acne and pimple scares, their are dark circle, too, she also know that without this accident her skin can't be clear, because previously she eat lots of spicy and oily things, also she don't do nay exercise, and her loving aunt is giving her medicine which will creating hormonal imbalance, due to which her periods are irregular, her weight is increasing rapidly and also her acne are not reducing, she also use lots of make product and it also the cause of her skin's previous state, after her accident not only her aunt's medicine stop but also she is not able to use anything on her skin, the clean air, clean water and clean vegetables help her to become fit, and also make her skin healthy, she also have glasses, but due to not watching any screen for six months, and also due to eating vegetable her eyes regain their vision very much, she don't need spaces to watch, so now she is more good looking than Nimisha.

Thinking this her mood become great, after that she watch some recent news and then study for while, Ani who found his new love, aka TV, is very busy in watching cartoon, Sai strictly tell him that he can only watch it for two hours, but he pester her so she give him one hour more to watch Tv, after that she remember they needed to leave this room in some hours, so she quickly pack her things, she decided to go directly to the address given by the old couple after lunch, if they don't agree, then she will find a cheap place to stay, and wait for two weeks while doing some simple work, which don't require lots of skills, she already search for the address and it is not far away from here, so after that she pull Ani from Tv, and they both go to eat lunch, she order north Indian food for lunch, Ani can't eat properly so Sai help him. Sai feel someone's gaze so she look at that direction and froze for a minute, because Vilas is looking at her and when she look towards him he give her smile, if she remember correctly this person always show disgusted face whenever he meet her, like he is looking at trash, but today she feel confuse, and then she realised may be he found out that she is alive, but wait her look is change so much, and even though her look match with her mom's look it is impossible for Vilas to recognise her, he why he is smiling, she thinks and then ignore him and start eating fast, after that she take Ani and go towards her room, whatever the reason she can't afford to seen by her other family members till the lawyer uncle come back, thinking this she decided to leave the hotel immediately.

From phone she ask reception to call a taxi, She quickly take all her things, and then leave the hotel, thankfully she don't stumble on Vilas, after that she stop near a super market which is very near to the house they are visiting, she found out that the man she is going to visit, is a director, which is somewhat famous, and his wife is very famous actress, so she buy some fruits and flowers for them , and then start walking with Ani towards the house, while walking she tell Ani that they will try to take shelter here, if they get then she will go to work, if possible she will take him with her, but if not then they need to find another way, Sai found out that Ani understand lots of things, even if he is just a child, he is really very intelligent, and even mature, he don't ask things even though he like them, she decided when lawyer uncle come and she will get some money she will buy lots of things for Ani, if his family accept him, and if the environment their is safe, then and only then she will handover Ani to them otherwise she can earn money and will become Ani's guardian, after all he is her little angel.

After some talking they reach the house, she tells the security to tell them that they come from Deshpande couples reference, security call inside and then after getting permission they send Sai and Ani inside, Sai found out that this house is not that big, so maybe the director is not that rich, she don't understand economical things, but she got to know that this person is quite famous, so she thinks he must be rich, then why they are living in this old house. Anyway if they get agree then this house will be her home for the next two or three weeks, she thinks.