Daily life

Sai even though loses consciousness, still feels her body aching, she walks for hours with her injured and heavy body, she is hungry and angry, she doesn't know how she reaches here.

She opens her eyes and find out that she is in a very shabby hut, and look towards the surrounding and found a little boy sleeping near her, and one old woman sleeping away from her, she wanted to stand up, but because of this the old woman who is sleeping wake up and ask her if she wanted water, fortunately, she speak Kokani, which is very similar to her mother tongue, she said yes, after drinking water, she realizes that there is something green applied on her injuries, it must be medicine, she thinks, she put the glass down and said thank you to the old woman.

The old woman asks her what her name was and where she is, Sai answered then the woman asks her how she is here, to which she tells her the truth, but not everything, she tells the old woman that their relative kill her mother and father, and while escaping she falls in the valley, and can she stay here, listening to the old woman paused for some time, and replied "Yes you can stay here, but you have to work and have to eat whatever I have, and also you have to protect my grandson in the future, if you agree with this, then I will let you stay here"

Sai anyhow know that she can't go back with this state, first eve,n if she tries to tell anyone about this, no one believes her, even Police too, she knows that her dad has some political influence and have contact with the mayor, and what more, she is not in the state to travel back to her city, she knows that her city is far away from here, and she has no money and no energy in her body. So she agreed, but there is one problem, she had never done anything in her whole life, thankfully she knows some cooking, this is all thanks to her grandfather, she remembers that he take her to their village and they both cooked together, wait, she remembers something, she found out her locket, this locket doesn't look costly but now she realized it is the key in a puzzle, she knows this puzzle, her grandpa gives her this type of and latest her solve that, so no one ever considers this ugly looking little locket is a key, but wait, she again takes the locket and does as she does in her childhood, and find out that the locket can become two types of keys, one for safe, then other for ....maybe there is a mystery in this, anyway, she doesn't need to think about this now, because anyway, the key is here with her.

After that she again sleep, she feel tired maybe because of her injury, after that when she wake up next day, she is feeling better, she now take a good look of surrounding it is a very small little house, kitchen and sleeping room both are only in one room, after that she go outside and see, and realise that she is at the end of jungle, but also at the start of village, she ask the old woman whom she started to call Ajji, "how much time we require to go city?" on which the Aaji tells her that at least they needed to walk for half day then they will get a ST(Publice transport knows as state transport provided by government of every state) then it take minimum two hours, after listening this Sai feel hopeless again, walking for a half day, and even she manage where she found money, and what about her city, she know from here her city at least 4 hour away by car, but after some thinking she decided to first make her body strong, she remember her grandpa says her, that the journey of thousands miles start with a single step. Her single step will be healing her injuries and getting healthy, revenge can wait, but for this her being alive is necessary, and it is not time for feeling hopeless.

After that day, she started to work, because she is injured the old woman don't let her work too much, she only tell her some side tasks, but this is also so much work for Sai, she wake up early then clean the house, then she needed to take cow dung from their neighbour house and needed to paint the backyard with it,(in village, daily cow dung is mixed with water, and then spread it in yard to avoid insect and mosquito to come inside) after doing that she needed to clean the place where they put their cows, and feed the cows, first she is sacred of them but now she also like to feed them, after that she eat something like porridge which is called as Kani, and then she needed to go on river and wash the clothes, after that Sai need to go on a stream and have to fetch the water in container and come back with them, after that she eat food, which is lots of the time rice and vegetables, after that she also needed to wash the plates, after that she take some rest, she also needed to water all the plants in their backyards, and also clean it, she also needed to go in jungle to find herbs, thankfully due to this she learn about lots of herbs.

15 days passed and she is losing weight which is a very good thing for her, in the past, She tries to lose weight many times, but she can't get succeed, she believes that her aunt must be giving her something which causes hormonal imbalance, now when she is away from them, her health is improving, and she also needed to work so much, that there is no need to exercise, she also finds out that her skin is becoming better every day, where they don't even have soap she needed to take bath with neem leaves, and she applies crushed neem leaves with turmeric powder, sometimes she even apply milk and rice water on her face, and in just 15 days, her acne is reduced drastically, her skin tone is also improved, it must be combined effect of healthy food plus exercise plus natural remedies.

She also decided to learn as much as she can, she realizes that the best teacher in the world is nature, and fortunately for her, their neighborhood who is an old couple knows lots of things about Ayurveda, and they teach her, and she found out that they both look so young, if they don't tell her that they are 87 and 80 year old she might not believe it, they tell her that doing Yoga, eating less and natural food, and doing hard work and mainly being happy with little things, and showing gratitude for everything you have is the reason of their health, she also finds out it logical.

She decided that if she get successful in getting her revenge then she will find a quiet place which is near nature and live there all her life, previously she finds that a happy life is having so much stuff, having so many followers on social sites, and also earning much money and try to show your life perfect, but it is the truth?

  What is more important, to live hundred years, or do something which creates history which will be studied for 100 years at the cost of your life, she finds so many questions and there is no answer for her

She also finds out that without her mobile phone, and constant distraction her concentration is increased, her senses become more strong, she is falling asleep early, her natural clock wakes up her early, and her Memory also improved. Her mood is also less fluctuated. She likes this life, but yes she also doesn't forget those who kill her mother and grandpa and also wanted to kill her. Her determination to teach them a lesson is getting strong every day.