
The next day when Kartik wakes up, he checks his phone and froze for a minute, because he gets a message from Kira, he wonders if his mom says something to her, but later when he sees the message he realizes it is not his mom, but Kira herself send him a message.

"I heard you are also the same city as me, so if you have time to meet, come to the 'Morning shine cafe' at 11 AM" The message is like this.

Reading the message Kartik smiled, in one place she is asking him if he has time and on the other side, she already tells him where to meet, funny though, but isn't their relationship is like that, he does whatever she says, but what happens at the end, He wanted to ignore her, but decided to send her message.

"Sorry, today I am busy" Sometimes Kartik doesn't understand why he once loves this woman. Thinking this he recalled the events which happened in past.

Kartik graduated very early age, he wanted to become an actor or model, he is not very much interested in business, show business is his attraction, so he wanna become an actor, but his grandpa opposes him, so after lots of debts and requesting his grandpa agreed, but he tells him not to use his family name, and grandpa gives him two years, in these two years if he can't able to make name for himself, then he needs to return to their family business, also in these two years of time he also needs to hide his identity, will not get very much money and also need to learn about business.

Kartik's grandpa think that he will give up but no in just one year he gets too famous, maybe his look and also his hard work pay off, while that time he meets Kira, she is also from a good background, her father is IAS officer, while her mother is an actor, she is too beautiful, she is two years younger than him, he really falls for her, for her beauty, her intelligence, her courage, her hard work, her talent, for everything, he likes and also love her so much.

Things start to change when she starts to become famous, they have arguments over lots of things, like he got to know that she is dating another person, about her drinking habits, also he is somewhat controlling so they fight over that, later his family got to know about their relationship and his mom object about their relationships, but that time he has fought with his family, but when he has a huge fight with his mom and dad and come to console her, she tells him to break up, he even doubt that if his mother threatens her, but the reality is she get two movies and thinks that this relationship gonna drag her back. Later he also got to know that she got another bf in just two months, she have many suitors though so it is not surprising.

Due to learning the business and also due to his requirement like no kissing scene, no bed scene, Kartik's career is somewhat not that rise, but after break up, he is broken-hearted and due to that he works very hard, and in just two years he does 3 films and 1 web series and all of them are super hits. He also got to knows that his brother is helping him from shadows. Later his family background also gets known, that time he got to know that Kira has breakup. He still has some feeling for her, but don't know what to do.

One day they meet in a party, they have a drink together, and don't know how they ended up in the intimate night, this time she is agreed to date him, but later she found out that she is pregnant, Kartik tells her that he is ready to get married, but that time she has films in hand so she does abortion without asking him, the thing doesn't end there, Kartik also understands that as a mother she has right to decide the future of their child, during this time, his brother got in an accident, he needs to leave entertainment industry, and also needs to take care of business and other things, but that time she started to fight with him.

He also understands that he is not able to give her time, and also he is not able to fulfill his duty, sometimes he is too busy regarding Adi what more he can sense that she don't like Adi, also for her one film which she wanted the lead role, she needs an investor before the accident Kartik promised her that he will invest, but due to his brother's accident he doesn't have enough money, and he needs to backout, this is the last stroke to their relationship, she is too angry that she broke their relationship.

Kartik also fed up, he needs someone that time who can at least try to understand him, but Kira left him in a difficult time, he later he found that she is again reunited with her ex, he is angry, sad, disappointed, and broken. Later he gets busy with his business and Adi, so there relationship is now a history.

They meet up some months ago, and she talk with him like nothing happened. He also act the same way, he even thought try to forget about her he is not able. But it is not as intense like before. But he also understands that this time she is not that practical and good Kira but somewhat scheming Kira, but he is not at all angry on her, he understands in life we need to change and be flexible but it also don't mean that he is easy to take advantage.

Thinking all this thought he decided to go back as soon as he can, because for him now only Adi and Ani matters.