New Secretary

Sai after listening to this feel somewhat weird, is her luck too strong, first, she gets kidnapped but still able to save herself, after that she falls in valley, still, she is alive, after that she meets Ani and Aaji and feel positive about life again, and after that, she gets to know Kartik and his family and because of him, she is still alive and in good condition. And now he is offering her such an offer.

She also knows that this offer is too good for her, Kartik can find any other girl, and for Ani, even though he is now too dependent on her, humans learn to adopt, isn't she learn to live without her mom and nanu, so she can conclude that this is Kartik doing this for her benefit, talking about revenge, now she completely understand that she is too weak, she now doesn't even have money, and yesterday looking at Ravi's office and his old car she understands his financial condition, also even though there is safe, she won't think that have much savings.

She also realised that her enemy is strong and intelligent, so she needs to act with caution, indeed yesterday she give up on her revenge, but after seeing Ravi safe, she somewhat again feels it is necessary to take revenge, so this offer is too good for her, but there is only one question which is troubling her.

"Will Adi hate me?" Sai questioned her trouble through her words.

Kartik who is waiting for questions like how will you help me in taking revenge, or will we sleep together, or what about benefit will I get type of questions froze for a minute, he looks towards her confusingly and then give a cough and asked her, why.

"Oh, I found out that he don't wanted to share you, so if I marry you even it fake he might hate me, and I don't want that" Sai said with a firm tone.

"...Don't worry he will not" Kartik said after a long pause.

"Are you taking responsibility of it?" Sai asked.

"Yes" Kartik said, he is getting new experience in life.

"Okay, and can I request one more thing" Sai give a sigh of relief and requested.


"Will you lend me some money please, all my saving goes away, and I also need to pay the bill of hospital" Sai said.

"...I already paid that, and you will get monthly salary for our contract marriage"

"Really?" Sai said happily.

"Yes" Kartik is now in no mood to talk with her.

"Wow you are really have big heart, you are not only beautiful but your heart is also beautiful, you are the most kindest person I ever...." Before Sai can complete her sentence Kartik give a laugh and said enough buttering.

Their are too many people who praise him, some sincerely some dishonestly, but this girl .....Ah, he don't know what to say.

"Do have nay other questions like about physical contact?"

"I believe you are gentleman" Sai replied.

"oh" Kartik don't know what to say.

"Then is their any other condition" Sai asked.

"I will send you to contract in afternoon, also I have some information which might help you in your revenge, I will also send you that with your new secretary, you can trust her, and also ask for help form her, about the money, I will send card with her too, for the bill I already paid it, if you have any other question you can ask the new secretary or call me"

"Okay thank you, you are best" Sai can't help but say, she is in reality not buttering him, but sincerely expressing her feeling, she can't able e to hide her joy.

After Kartik go, in just some minutes children come back with Radha and Raman, they talk with her for some time, and then tell her to get well soon. After that they bid her goodbye. After that she pull Ani and Adi in her arms and give them kiss, happiness is infectious, Ani and Adi also feel happy due to her happiness.

"Mau when you get better please cook for me" Adi requested.

"For me too"Ani also said.

"Okay, but remember you can't overeat" Sai said, that time she get a call from Mr. Nene, and she realised that she don't inform them, so she call them, on call Mr. Nene tells her that he read her news in newspaper, and he is somewhat angry that she hide things, on which Sai explained everything to him, and apologised, she also express her gratitude for him and Mrs. Nene.

In reality, Mr. and Mrs. Nene are not angry on her, they also understand her situation rather they feel bad for her,

"Okay I will forgive you, if you give us treat"

"Of course, I will give you treat, and I also don't know how I am gonna say thank you to you both, without your help i might not able to survive, I am gonna explain it to you people after things get settled, but everything happens so fast" Sai said.

"Oh, its okay child, and come to meet us when it all over" Mrs. Nene said.

"I miss you aunt" Ani said as Sai teach him.

"Ah, we also miss you" Mrs Nene said. After that they will chat for a while. And after that they end the call.

After that Adi asked her who they are and at the same time Shree come with Rishi, they also asked her what they are talking on which Sai explained them how she stay in Mr. Nene's house and how she get job in film.

"You learn lots of things" Rishi can't help but praise her, he remember Sai is somewhat spoiled and somewhat clumsy and simple minded person who is also lazy, but now Sai completely changed so he is happy.

After that they talk for sometime, eat lunch together, then Rishi and Shree bid her goodbye, after that they take a afternoon nap, and when they wake up they greeted by a beautfiul girl.

Pooja don't know but why her boss and also friend decided to make her secretary of this girl, but her idiot bf aka Kartik's secretary Akash tells her that Kartik wanted to contract marriage this girl, listening this Pooja really feels relaxed, because Kartik previously asked help from her, she is scared that Kartik might fall for her beauty and somehow get hurt, because she only love that idiot. Thinking this she smiled, but seeing her smile all this trio get scared.