
"Why are you crying Sai?" Kartik asked her, they are still in an awkward position.

"I don't know," Sai said, she doesn't want to admit her feelings.

"You are lying, you know the reason, when you blink often and don't look at me, I know you are lying with me," Kartik said on Sai's struggle of breaking out of his arm, he let her go.

Sai sits down on the sofa, and drink a glass of water, Kartik comes and sit near her.

"tell me"

"She calls me ugly so I remember the bullying I get and feel worthless" Sai tells him half the truth. She doesn't mention her insecurity.

"She is too spoiled, I scold her and tells her to apologize to you, but sorry I don't scold her in front of you, I don't want to hurt my aunt, but if you want I will make sure that she will say sorry to you in front of all people, don't cry okay," Kartik said in a distressed tone.