Who and Why

 "Sai lets start dating," Kartik says in a little voice, he thinks in his mind that any way they are married now, even though it is just a fake marriage, and now Sai has feeling for him, he also feels good with her, so why not give this relationship a try, if they don't work out, then they will break up. But there is no harm in trying right.

"huh,?" Sai asks in a surprised tone, she understands that the gap between them is too large, so it is impossible that Kartik falls for her, but why he is suggesting this, is he taking responsibility for the kiss?. 

 "The things that happened between us are completely my choice, you don't need to feel responsible" Sai try to clarify things. Kartik looks at Sai's troubled face and decided not to force her, but this idea already pops up in his head.