The Love Letter

Wei Min trained his eyes in the front as he increased his walking pace, making sure that the maid behind him couldn't catch up easily. The maids in the palace had made his life hell in the Xin Palace. Their constant profess of love was starting to get on his nerves. Had he been in Fan, he wouldn't have minded to lash out on them but since they were at Xin, there wasn't anything he could do except glare at them.

Although he was a very talented doctor, due to the circumstances with Fan Li Wei, he had been hiding his ability and acting as a bodyguard. It was not the time yet to reveal how powerful people Fan Li Wei had by his side, serving him. One wrong move could leak the undercurrent created by them while hiding in the dark.

But now in the Xin Palace, his good look was creating unnecessary troubles by attracting the bashful and lustful looks from the female servants.

With both his hands fisted on the sides, he was walking with increased pace when suddenly a crumpled ball of paper hit him on the back.

Wei Min's senses immediately acted on a high alert as his sharp eyes scanned the surrounding. Just now, he was so focused on escaping the maid that he didn't notice the presence of another party.

"Who's there?" his cold voice sounded intimidating in the empty garden.

When he didn't see anyone in the surrounding, his eyes fell on the ball of paper lying on the ground and he furrowed his brows.

It must have been done by another rotten maid, he thought in exasperation. Ignoring the paper ball, he was about to leave the premise but after thinking for a moment, he sighed and picked up the paper.

It wasn't very wise to leave the love letter there on the ground. If anyone saw the content inside, his reputation would surely be tarnished in the Palace.

Thinking about it, he crumpled the paper ball in his hand and walked away.

From the green leaves on the fence, Bai Yu Yan's eyes peeked at the retreating back of Wei Min. When his figure was no longer visible, she immediately released her breath and removed her palm from Xiao Fan's mouth who was almost turning blue from holding her breath for too long.

With Wei Min's martial arts, a single movement from them could have given him their location.

"Miss, what was that? What were you doing?" asked Xiao Fan while catching her breath. She looked at Bai Yu Yan in suspicion and nervousness, not able to understand why her Miss threw that paper at Prince Fan's bodyguard.

Did Miss really like Prince Fan like the Third Princess had said? The thought made her eyes widen in horror.

Xiao Fan wasn't ready to accept that her Miss would do something like that. How could her Miss think of cheating on His Excellency when he was not here? No, there was no way she would let it happen.

Bai Yu Yan looked at Xiao Fan's face turning into shades of different colours, her thoughts evident on her face. She narrowed her eyes and knocked on the maid's forehead.

"What nonsense are you thinking? Did you see me writing anything on that?"

"But Miss, the flower?" Wasn't a flower supposed to be the symbol of budding love?

"Xiao Fan, don't forget we're in the garden right now. If I really wanted to send him a flower, I would pick a real one. Why would I draw an ugly flower? Moreover, did you see me writing my name on it?" asked Bai Yu Yan with a roll of her eyes as she stood up and patted her skirt.

Seeing Xiao Fan nod while still not letting go of the suspicion in her eyes, Bai Yu Yan rolled her eyes and reminded, "We can't stay here any longer. Let's go fast."

If anyone saw them, it would surely create endless trouble.

She scanned her eyes in the surrounding and quickly left the garden with Xiao Fan.

Bai Yu Yan was betting on the fact that Wei Min and Fan Li Wei would take some time to figure out the meaning of the flower. After all, with the current timeline, no one knew the antidote for the poison.

As a medical practitioner, she was relying on her assumption that even though Wei Min didn't know the Mountain Lilly was the real antidote, he would eventually come to know about it with the rarity of the flower.

However, what Bai Yu Yan was completely oblivious to was that many things had already changed than what she had known. Including the fate of Fan Li Wei.

On the other side of the palace, Wei Min's body jolted as he looked at the paper in his hand which he had assumed to be a love letter. Filled with shock, his eyes took in the picture of the flower on the paper.

Mountain Lily?

He could not believe what he was seeing. Was someone playing with him? Could it be that someone randomly drew it and threw it at him? Maybe it was an unintentional picture that did not hold any meaning behind it?

Wei Min's brain ran through various possibilities as he tried to form an excuse for it. But no matter how much he thought, he couldn't deceive himself.

There was no way for it to be a coincidence.

Without wasting a single moment, he used qinggong to rush towards Fan Li Wei's courtyard in the shortest time.

Inside the seemingly quiet courtyard, a sharp sword constantly sliced through the air with powerful strokes. The precise angle of the sword reflected the strict discipline and training of the wielder where not a single move was wasted.

The bare chest of Fan Li Wei was covered with the glistening sweat as it ran down his perfectly toned muscles. But his hands did not move to wipe it as his whole being was solely concentrated on the sword and the invisible enemy.

His usual white attire and the gentle look in his eyes were nowhere to be seen as he looked dangerously sexy in the black trouser and focused eyes. Any person who would see him outside would probably have a hard time recognizing he was the same easygoing gentleman.

"Your Highness!"

Wei Min half kneeled on the ground with his fist cupped. He knew how strict and focused Fan Li Wei was during the training and would never have disturbed him during that time. But now having no choice, he had to unwillingly interrupt him in the middle.

A flash of anger was seen between Fan Li Wei's furrowed brows when his focus was broken by Wei Min's call. However, having known that his most trusted aide wouldn't disturb him unless it was something urgent, he slowly lowered his sword and turned towards the kneeling man.


The heavy pressure in the air made it difficult for Wei Min to relax. Taking a deep breath, he controlled the tremor in his hand and gave the wrinkled paper without raising his head.

Without a change in expression, Fan Li Wei looked at the deformed paper and took it from Wei Min's hand. Grabbing the sword by its hilt, his fair long fingers smoothed out the edges of the paper and his eyes fell on the content inside.

Mini Theater

Lu Tong Xiao: Xuyi, bring me my sword!

Xuyi: Master, what happened?

Lu Tong Xiao: A bastard is thinking my wife sent him a love letter.

Wei Min: *shivers in the sudden coldness*