Trouble Brewing

The servants in the Gu manor had been extremely busy since early as a week. The number of people coming in and out of the usually quiet manor was especially large on this day.

At the end of the summer, there was a celebration that no one could ignore. The nobles in the capital regarded the day with so much importance that it seemed as if the celebration was the welcome banquet for the incoming Autumn.

It was the birthday celebration of none other than the esteemed lady, Matriarch Gu. She was the head of the Gu family which gave birth and trained the greatest Generals of the Xin kingdom.

After the early departure of her husband, the late General Gu, in the battlefield, Matriarch Gu had single-handedly raised Master Gu. Everyone had expected the downfall of the General's house after the death of the Master of the Gu household. However, the currently retired General Gu turned out to be even more formidable than his late father.

It came as the biggest surprise to the people of Xin kingdom which not only proved the ability of Matriarch Gu but also stabilized the position of Gu household in the capital as an asset to the country. Hence, Matriarch Gu became the revered figure in the capital, to whom, even the royal family has to give face.

Bai Yu Yan had come to the Gu manor early in the morning. The Lu manor had received an invitation for the birthday celebration immediately after the royal family. In fact, Madame Gu had personally gone to Old Madame Lu with an invitation like every year.

However, right now, Bai Yu Yan was not in the Gu manor as a guest for the birthday. She was there as the designer of Matriarch Gu, in order to confirm if everything was perfect with the dress.

In the days when she stayed at home to take care of Lu Tong Xiao, she had left most of the work of the shop to her staffs. It was a rather noble experience for her to take a leave from work in order to take care of someone, and her husband nonetheless.

Fortunately, the design for Matriarch Gu's dress had long been prepared, which made it easier for the dress to be completed on time.

The guests had already arrived outside in the main hall. Almost all the nobles in the capital and even outside had made sure to attend the function even if they had to push other matters aside.

Sipping from the crystal glass in their hands, men and women separately clustered in small groups to converse. Lively chatters and loud laughter filled the atmosphere on the men's side while the women passed compliments to each other's jewelries and dress.

Donned in a light peach dress, Bai Yu Yan quietly sat on a side as she listened to the conversation between the women. The upper part of her dress had complex patterns of embroidery which was a few shades darker peach color while the skirt had numerous layers of chiffon and net fabric to increase the volume of the flair. Unlike her usual simple jewelry, a crystal head chain covered her forehead hairline.

With her small frame, Bai Yu Yan looked such a pretty but delicate beauty that people couldn't help occasionally directing their eyes at her.

Whenever her mother-in-law introduced her to someone, she would put down the crystal glass to smile and greet the person. Old Madame Lu's face was full of smile and a subtle pride when people complimented Bai Yu Yan. To everyone, this was the indication that Old Madame Lu had really accepted her as the daughter-in-law of the Lu family.

"Madame Lu has already been married for almost six months now, I wonder when the Lu manor will get to hear the good news," giggled one of the Madames which prompted everyone's curious eyes to be directed at Bai Yu Yan's stomach.

Hearing her teasing words, Bai Yu Yan nearly choked in her alcohol. Speechless, she followed their gaze to look at her own flat abdomen. What are they looking at, ah?

Rolling her eyes in her head, she blushed and gave them a shy smile, "Madame is jesting. His Excellency and I are still young. Matters like these will take a natural course when the right time arrives."

Although Old Madame Lu was also very expectant of the grandchild, she held Bai Yu Yan's hand and looked at the Madames, "This child, you don't know how busy she is with her shop. Every day she leaves early in the morning and arrives home late in the evening. Even if they had a child right now, I am sure, they would not have time to take care of it."

"It's admirable how much Old Madame Lu is lenient on her daughter-in-law. Otherwise who would let the legal wife of the house run around outside the manor while ignoring her duties towards her family? I think we should all learn from Old Madame Lu in this regard. After all it's rare to have a mother-in-law like her in this age," said a woman with light laughter.

Bai Yu Yan turned to look at the person who had made this remark. It was Madame Song casually sitting in a lavish dress. Even though her words sounded amiable as if she was praising Old Madame Lu, no one was foolish to not see her underlying meaning. To someone who didn't know, it seemed as if Old Madame Lu couldn't control her daughter-in-law while the other didn't know her bound.

The chattering noises immediately came to a stop. No one had thought it this way. Madame Song was the wife of Minister of Justice in the palace and her daughter was Song Mei Lin, the fashionista of the noble circle. She was not someone others were willing to offend. On the other hand, they were even more unwilling to offend Old Madame Lu.

Suddenly, when everyone was dilemma as to what to say, a soft voice broke the silence, "Madame Song is right. I have been lucky to have married in the Lu manor and have elder like Mother and Father who treat me like their own daughter. It's no secret that Mother has always allowed me to do what I desire. Or else there would not have been Silver Closet now."

Old Madame Lu was about to give an earful to Madame Song when she heard Bai Yu Yan's words. Surprised, she looked at the seemingly petite girl who was obediently sitting by her side.

This girl, how could she casually give others the credit of her own hard work?

Her eyes narrowed seeing Madame Song scoffing at Bai Yu Yan. It wasn't difficult to understand why the other person was acting this way.

"I don't believe in tying down my daughter-in-law in the name of duties. Tell me, if I hadn't let her open her own shop, wouldn't everyone in the capital be wearing the same boring dress with no taste?" chucked Old Madame Lu while raising her brow at Madame Song.

Her words seemed like a light-hearted joke not directed at anyone specifically. The women nearby immediately chimed in agreement and laughed along.

However, it was not the same for Madame Song who understood the meaning behind Old Madame Lu's words. Last year, it was her daughter who had designed and embroidered Matriarch Gu's dress. She was already furious by the fact that her daughter's limelight as a designer was stolen by Bai Yu Yan who was widely known for being talentless.

Now even Bai Yu Yan's mother-in-law was saying that before her daughter-in-law opened the shop, everyone was wearing boring tasteless design. Wasn't this directed at her Mei Lin?

Seeing that everyone who used to pander to her so that Song Mei Lin would design their dress were now laughing at Old Madame Lu's joke, Madame Song felt a jab in her heart. Just as she was about to say something, she felt her daughter's hand lightly pat her as if to calm her down.

Madame Song didn't understand why her daughter who used to hate Bai Yu Yan like a mortal enemy just a few days ago was casually smiling instead of getting angry. In fact, Song Mei Lin seemed like she was in a good mood which confused Madame Song even more.

"Madame Lu is truly an inspiration to the married women here. Even to me, I really look up to her as a designer. I have even heard that the fabrics used in Silver Closet are of higher grade than others," emphasized Song Mei Lin as she sat beside her mother, Madame Song. She was wearing a dark blue dress that contrasted her skin and made it look even paler.

"Really? I have heard about Madame Lu's design but even the fabrics are better than others?"

"Miss Song is a designer herself. So, if she is saying that, maybe it's really true."

Bai Yu Yan slightly raised her brow, she was genuinely surprised to see Song Mei Lin's unexpected reaction. She had to double-check the face of the girl to see if it was the same person who had come to her shop to cause trouble. Even the look Song Mei Lin was giving her was filled with admiration, although Bai Yu Yan seriously doubted it.

Did this girl hit her head somewhere?

Just as everyone was singing praised of Bai Yu Yan, Song Mei Lin's eyes met Han Ruo Lan who was giving a mocking laugh. Seeing this, Song Mei Lin couldn't control the side of her own lips from curling into a sneer. Let Bai Yu Yan bask in this glory for now and let's see if she can still maintain her smile in a while.

Song Mei Lin lowered her eyes to hide the glee in them. The higher Bai Yu Yan was raised now, the lower she will fall.