Chapter 2


I munch on my breakfast with my family. Dad is home. Yay. My brother steal my food, I glare and took it back. He looks at mom pointing at me. Mom gives me a quick glare. I groan. Seriously. I am not in the mood of a fight so I just give him my all food and start drinking my milk. My brother Shake his head in disbelief. He took food and put it on my plate, ordering me to complete my breakfast. I ignore him . my dad looks at me with concern. I give him a polite smile, not in the mood of having a big lecture from mom.

"Are you okay, grace? You seem down. "Asked my dad.

"Don't worry dad I am okay. "I reply to him.

"Okay then. "He replies back not satisfied.

He just thinks that I will tell him if something is wrong. But how I can explain to him about the murderer. He will definitely tell me to stay away from this shit. Oh god. I find the newspaper on the table. Taking it I open and start reading about Everlyn Rhodes.

'In the high school of south Xavier high, police find one girl on the ground unconscious. She was already taken to the hospital. Evelyn Rhodes is currently in a comma. Doctors confirm that she is brain dead. police give their statement and said she committed suicide. But as per everlyn's parents, they have a good relationship, there is no way for her to attempt suicide. Through police are still looking for clues to find about her suicide attempt .'

'Everlyn Rhodes committed suicide yesterday. '

'Everlyn Rhodes found to be brain dead. '

I finish reading ignoring other stupid confirmation. She didn't commit suicide. Her family is rich. Her parents are successful business persons. Even they work for my mom so I know them very well, they are sweet and caring. That's impossible. Why would she attempt suicide? She doesn't look like, she killed herself because of her and the dean's breakup. She is strong. This is wrong, everything is wrong. someone tried to murder her.

"Baby, what happened? "Ask my dad with concern.

"Everlyn was her friend . "says my mom.

"You can tell us anything, darling. "Assure my dad.

"Are you going to take this case? "I asked my dad.

"No. But why you want me to take it? Besides this is a small case I will not get this mission. "Dad reply to me.

"But what is wrong with it. "Ask my mom to take concern about my behavior.

"I just want to tell you that everything is wrong. She didn't commit suicide. I examine everything. Someone tried to murder her. "I basically stood up showing frustration clearly to them.

"Don't get into this. "My mom sternly order me.

"Are you sure? "Dad asks me.

"But honey-"mom start but dad stop her in a mid way by keeping his index finger on his lips, signaling her to stop. My brother holds back his laughter after mom's reaction. I bite my lips to prevent myself from laughing.

"I want justice for Everlyn Rhodes. "Dad replies to her and looks at me.

"Yeah, dad I am completely sure I even saw one Shadow on building looking at the crowd. "I explain to him.

"But that doesn't prove anything, baby. "Dad reply to me. "He might be staff or another student. "My face falls.

"But dad I am sure I even see... "I trail off remembering the cuts on her wrist.

"The discussion is over girl. "My mom interrupts my thoughts. Having nothing to say I nod.

But. I am stupid. I want some legal proof to show dad so he can believe me. I should think first before sharing it with them. Maybe I have to go to the hospital again to check her. Who knows is I will find some proof. I snap out from my thoughts when the melody of laughing enters my ears. I immediately glared at my brother. I glare at him but he didn't even stop laughing.

"Do you forgot that our dad is a famous detective. "He said between his laugh.

"Kid she really got my genesis and I am proud of that. "My dad started laughing at him.

"Guys stop look don't make her angry. "Said my mom laughing at Lorenzo's dramatic act of laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you don't believe me but when I will solve this mystery then I will laugh aloud at all of you. "I reply with a cold glare.

Before they can speak anything I grab my bag dashing out of the house. I run across the footpath, Looking back I made sure that Lorenzo is not following me. When I didn't find him. I stop keeping my hand on my hips. I take a deep breath. Okay so first I have to go to school then I will visit the hospital. Thinking thus I start walking towards the school. When I reach the gate I hear someone yelling my name. I look back only to find Dahlia. I smile at her.

"Yesterday was a long day, right? "She asks me I nod at her.

"Let's go. "She really likes a child hooking my hand with her.

We sit on our benches. I still can't believe that. How I am going to forget the thing even after noticing the big thing. At the corner of my eye, I can see Dahlia talking to me but I didn't listen to her instead I focus on the scene. Let me think. If you want to find a murderer then you have to think exactly like him. I remember this thing, once dad told me when he found one criminal, but that was a long time ago. I think by living with him my mind even thinks like his.

So if I was a murderer then I must exactly know that where she is or I have to call her. What if someone calls her on the rooftop. She never hangs out at the roof top as per I know. Most of the time staff are there to make sure we didn't reach there. Then why she was there.

I snap out from my thoughts when the dean enters class instantly students start gossiping. Ignoring the gossip he made his way towards me. Fuck. Now what exactly he wants. Dahlia looks at me with confusion written over her face. I look back at the dean. He sits beside my bench. Oh no. He just offers me a sad smile. Did the sun rose from the west? I look at him confused.

"Don't worry I am not here for trouble. "Dean dramatically put his hand on his chest.

"Wait a minute are you sick or something. "Dahlia dramatically asks him back. He just glares.

"What's with the innocence. "I ask him smirking.

"Guess what you are my girlfriend's friend so. "Dean reply.

"But she is not your girl anymore. "I smirk at him. His eyes sadden.

"Gracey " Dhalia warn me.

"Wait dhal, he hurt her and now I am going to take her revenge. "I reply to her. She faces palm herself.

"That's not our concern. She was just hooker.  "Dahlia reply to me.

Yeah, she is right. She just comes to us to hook with us Nothing more but I just want my adventure and yeah I am so excited. I am going to be the best detective in the world. I grin mentally. of course.

I snap out of my thoughts when the teacher enters the class. Ignoring my stupid self I focus on teachers. The rest of the day goes quickly. And now its lunchtime. I start walking towards the rooftop. I didn't even wait for Dhalia.

Reaching the rooftop my eyes starts scanning this place again. Dad told if the shadow might be staff but at lunch not even a single person stays at this place. Someone can hang out here but why they try to murder Everlyn. Suddenly I feel like someone is watching me. Huh? I look back quickly but I find no one. I move towards the door and hide myself to see if someone is here. Suddenly I notice someone peaking. The eyes land on me without wasting the time the unknown Shadow Starts running towards the other way. I start following the shadow. Oh, come on. I raise my speed. The person is wearing hoodie which is oversized, looks like the person is in uniform. The school student. I grab the spray can and spray it an angle so even a little amount can hit the hoodie besides the hoodie is black so it is easy to find the color. I quickly stuff the can in my bag and catch the hoodie. The person stumbles and falls down. I look down, the person's face is still hidden I can't see due to hoodie. before I can see the face the person pushes me on the ground kicking my stomach with the nearby bat the person runs away. I groan in pain. Standing up I start following the person but when I reach towards the door. There are two ways. I examine each of them but I find not even a single clue. Shit. I was close. Too much close.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I curse mentally. I stood there sighing heavily. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly look back ready to attack the person but it turns out to be Dhalia. She looks at me with confusion. I groan. Feeling pain on my stomach. Maybe I am hurt. I ignore all the pain. I am damm sure it has to do something with Everlyn's case.

"Are you okay besides what are you doing here we are not allowed to come here. "Dhalia asks with concern.

Right we are not allowed beside after yesterday's incident no one will ever be allowed to get here. I nod. Pulling Dhalia with me we quickly went to the next class. By the now, I am sure that lunchtime is almost over. Dahlia keeps bragging about how worried she was but I just ignore her. Sitting in the next class. I again focus on the teacher up to the last lecture.

When the school finally finished I grab my bag and starts running towards the hospital before Lorenzo can find me. I don't want to drag Dhalia with me. Her parents will hate this. Besides my mom will kill me for being here for nothing.

I reach the hospital, reaching towards lift I press a few buttons and wait until I reach my destination. finally, the lift opens, I move out, remembering Everlyn's room number I start walking. I finally reach there and find dean and Everlyn's parents arguing about something. I approach them. They stop arguing and look at me. I bow to them politely.

"What happens? " I ask.

"Nothing honey. You can meet me at Everlyn. "Miss Rhodes replies to me ignoring my previous question.

"She can see Everlyn but I can't, why is that. "Said dean angrily.

"We know her besides she will never hurt our daughter. "Mr. Rhodes answer him blankly.

Dean gron and left us alone in the hallways. The place gets covered by silence. I look at them.

"Why didn't you let him in? " I ask raising my eyebrow.

"I am sure my daughter is in this condition because of him. "Miss Rhodes reply.

Damm. I ignore them and enter the room. Evelyn is still in a comma. The room is too silent. The only thing I can hear is the sound of monitor beeping. Her face is still pale. She is sick. She might be in deep dreams. What I am thinking. Stupid mind focus on your work. I look at her examining her body. Her wrist is brushed. I lift her hospital gown to see her waist. There is a long cut on her stomach. I grab my camera clicking the pics of her wrist and waist. That's enough to prove that she was attacked by someone. I sigh.

I left the hospital by saying goodbye to her parents. Walking through the footpath my thoughts drifted to my world. If I show it to dad then it is possible that he will believe me. Or I can find the whole truth and prove to them that I was right. But it is risky. I must tell it to someone in the case if I need anyone's help. You know what I will think about it later.

I walk slowly but get bumps into a boy. He stood up glaring at me. He has black hair with black piercing eyes. I glare back at him. His eyes suddenly turn into a sad one. He mouths sorry and left. Huh? He has some Brain problem.

I reach my home before I can open the door, it gets open reveling my big bro. He glares directly at me. Taking advantage of my short height I reach inside the house. Dad is sitting on the counch. He looks at me and stood up.

"I am okay don't ask me anything. " I speak up before they start their lecture. I run inside my room.

Closing the door I grab all the pics of today. I scan each of them. My brother Lorenzo enter inside without asking. He looks at me with concern.

"Look we were just joking, you seriously you are finding the killer. " He towers above me.

"Can you leave. "I reply. His face falls.

"Garcia. "He stares at me with his bright eyes, cupping my face. "I am sorry. "

"I know brother. But I am just in deep thought. "I reply with a smile. He kisses the top of my head.

"Okay then, if you want to tell something then I am always for you. " he smiles. I nod at him. He left the room leaving me alone.

I look at my laptop. There is mail from someone. Opening it I read it from the unknown person. Who wants to talk with me. Clicking it I start reading the mail.

'Dear grace Hernandez. you know about me. I will not tell you who the really I am but listen. I know everything about you. If you tried to tell this information to anyone then I can harm your family besides Everlyn is in hospital.

Yours sincerely the killer. '

I finish reading it. Huh? I smirk. This killer doesn't give any experience. He can't even touch me. Besides I can find the person who is sending this mail and its easy. So proofs are ready. All the necessary signs to find the killer is ready. I grab a spare diary from the drawer. I put all the photos in the book, sticking it and writing about all of the incidents.

As I know the killer is female. And she is from our school it means someone from school. She wears a hoodie. A black hoodie. Her ankle is not in good condition. It means the killer can't walk properly for a few days. It means I can find her easily. I have to find her soon before I lost my proofs. And about the police, I don't have to worry about it. Dad is good at understanding.

Closing my diary I lean on the chair.

The killer starts your countdown  I am going to find you within a few days. Just wait and watch I am going to give justice to Evelyn. closing my eyes I put headphones playing song while enjoying my moment.