Chapter 4


I type the Video's title in youtube finding the video that I really need for my work. Within the second's thousands of video's pops out of the search engine. I click the Video and seeing it carefully. I already completed my school so I have Nothing to worry now. I focus on my laptop but suddenly I feel that someone is behind me. I look back only to find Lorenzo peaking on my work. I quickly close it so he can't see what exactly I am doing. And I know whatever I am doing is illegal. I hope he didn't notice it. My brother furrow his eyebrows.

"What do you want, love? "I ask.

"I see what you are doing and besides it is illegal. "He said  folding his hands on his chest.

"Please don't tell it to any one. "I plead.

"Okay. "He reply smirking. Thank god. "But you have to tell me everything." He finished. I should have known.

"What I have to tell you. "I play dumb.

"Ok then I am going to dad. "He said rolling his eyes.

"Ok fine. I will explain you. "I sigh in defeat, he start grinning.

Ok so from where I can start. "Well I am pretty close to find the killer. Yestarday I got mail from her and she told me not to tell anyone or she will kill me. And here I am leaving learning to hack systems to find killer. "I finish and look at him.

"Ok I belive you and I am going to help you to find the killer. Got that. "He ask. I never thought that.

"But I want to prove dad. "I replay frowning.

"You can find killer but I am going to stay with you because I don't want you to get hurt. " he reply.

I nod at him. I ask him to learn with me and he really agree. Within few hours we learnt everything, I mean most of the thing about the hacker. Yay. He is with me if dad finds out then i can blame everything on him. Genious. I giggle mentally at the thought of it.

"So killer is a girl from our school. "He speak up. I nod. "She wear hoodie, it is possible that it can be nerd. " he ask logically.

"It can't be possible are you mad. A nerd seriously. " I glare at him.

" Hey sis I am just picking puzzles. " he reply glaring back.

"I can't belive that nerds are really shy they can't even catch the knife. " I replay back.

"Don't judge,  remember murder happens in silent place. " he warn me. " besides people can act fack. "

" you are becoming philosophical. " I sigh.

A nerd. She wear hoodie and I had marked the killers hoodie. No one likes evrlyn she always bully most of the kids but not physically. Dean is mess after her incident but he already broke up with Everlyn. And he was with his new girlfriend Rowena jackson. But Rowena was nerd back then then why she changed herself. Or she was just acting like a nerd. No she was kind back then, it is not possible. She get changed in last summer vacation when I was not here in this country. Why she got changed. She was straight A student, good in studies. What really happened to her. She won't answer my question. I am sure.

Why dean choose Rowena as his girlfriend. Did she forced him or they are hiding something. My head is messed up. I must clear my head. I ask my brother that I am going to Dhalia's house. He give me permission. Grabbing all the important things in my bag I start moving towards Dhalia's address.

The cold wind hit my face. I start enjoying the waves. Smiling at myself. The world is beautiful but people are cruel. Suddenly my eyes land on the river. It is beautiful the water is flowing smoothly taking every dirt with it. I wish that it can even take bad luck with it. What I am thinking. Since when I start thinking like a philosophy teacher. I can be a good teacher right. Damm I must focus on my mission. I close my eyes tightly. Taking every fresh air inside myself. It feels good.

Opening my eyes again. I start moving back. Its already evening. I must get to Dhalia's home before darkness spread. Sighing I start moving towards Dhalia's home. What if I will find murderer, it will be great right. I mean dad will be proud of me. Mom will be proud of my mature self. Brother will be jealous. No but he loves me. I love my family.

Being in my deep thoughts I didn't even notice getting bump into something, I fall down on the ground. I gron in pain because my stomach still hurts and besides I haven't told about it to anyone.  I look up only to find Dean Wilson. Wo. That is amazing. Dean look up at me angrily but when he notice me his anger fades and gets replace with soft one. I gron in pain again. He stood up and help me to stand up. I accept his help, not in the mood of complaining. He took my bag and hand ot to me.

"Are you okay grace? " he ask with concern.

"Don't worry I am okay. " I reply.

He nod. And start moving to opposite direction from where I am going. But I grab his wrist stopping him in midway. He look back at me in confusion. I remove my hand from his and ask him to talk with him. He nods. We sit on the nearby bench.

" what do you want to ask me? " He ask looking at me.

" well can you tell me everything that happens in vacation from starting and up to ending. "I ask him.

He nods. "Well everything was great until one day Rowena came and ask me out but I was with Everlyn so I rejected her and even insulted her so she stop asking me out. It didn't change much but Rowena changed too much. From head to toe. She start asking me out but I rejected her. One night I was with my friends and I was drunk . she used me and created drama showing that I was cheating on Everlyn. Everlyn belive all of the proofs. She was broken. I tried to explain her but she never listened to me. I gave up. Thats it. We even stopped seeing each other. "He finish smiling at me.

"Then what about that drama that you pulled out at the first day in school. "I ask raising my eyebrow.

"It was fack. I just want to make Everlyn jealous and therefore I pulled that stunt besides she agree because she still wants me. " he explain me.

I sigh. I look to find any lie in him but Nothing. He spit out every single truth. He is not lier. But wait a minute.

"Where is Rowena, I didn't see her after Everlyn 's incident. " I ask him. He just shrugged.

She is missing or she is dead. What happen to her. Who cares. I have to meet Dhalia. I look around its already dark. Brother will kill me. Besides if dad. Oh no. I quickly get up.

"Gracey, what the hell are you doing here. "Dahlia's annoying voice enter in my ears.

Me and dean look at her. She look at me and then to dean. She smirk. I glare at her. She is annoying.

"Hey its nothing like you think. " I glare at her.

"Really. " she raise her eyebrow.

"Go to hell. " I reply and start moving back towards my home.

"Hey wait I am sorry, I was just jocking. " Dhalia call me from behind.

I ignore her and start walking. Its already dark I must get to home. I feel someone's stare on me. I keep cautious steps. I bet someone is here. I pull out my phone texting Dhalia. I put it again in bag securing my bag. I can feel steps. I stay still on my place. I look beside me. There is one boy he is wearing a mask. I cant see his face. Ok any other sign to find the killer. I look closely at him closely. He have a black eyes with black hair. Why it feels like I had seen him somewhere.

He quickly attack me with knife but I grab his wrist smirking at him. I punch straight at his nose. Jackpot. The killer stand up and try to punch me but I doge it. He kick but I twist his leg causing him to fall down. I smirk. I was trained to fight, I have no competation. The killer stood up and punch me again but I doge.  I catch the upper part of mask but before I can pull it off he grab something from his pocket directly attacking on my hands. pulling my hands I notice a deep cut on my left hand. I look up the killer have knife on his hand. He tried to attack me again but someone grab his hand from behind pushing him on the ground and punching the killer repeatedly.

Dhalia stand beside me grabbing my hand and looking at me with concern. I smile at her assuring her that I am okay. My eyes lands on dean who is punching killer. Me and dhalia grab his hand pulling him but he didn't move. I grab his torso grabbing his hand I push him on the ground. I glare at him.

"Do you want to kill him. " I said.

Looking back, I find no one. Shit he run away. I look back, dhalia help dean. He stood up on his feet. I sigh. Killer was girl but its not true, killer is boy. Huh? This game is big. Maybe maybe they both planned it. And now they are behind me because I know that Everlyn's case was not suicide, it was murder. I grab my hair in frustration.

"I am sorry. I was not in my control. " dean apologize to me. I nod.

"But why he want to kill grace. "Dahlia ask in confusion.

"Thats long story. " I sigh.

Dhalia look at me not pleased by my answer.  I sigh heavily. Dean suddenly grab my left hand looking at my deep cut. I just forgot about it. Dhalia look at me in horror. Oh god just kill me, I never want that they know about my mission.

"Seriously we should take you to the hospital. "Dena ask in concern.

I didn't speak anything. I am not in mood of anything. Then it hit me. If brother will know about it then he will kill me. I ask Dhalia to stay one night with her. Which she agreed happily. Messaging my brother I went to Dhalia's home. Dean bid us goodbye and left for his home. Laying on Dhalia's bed I drift into deep sleep. Brother will kill me after seeing big bandage on my hand.

The night goes by quickly. Currently me and dhalia are in class. Again she is bragging about something but my attention is in my thoughts. There are two killer out there. One girl and one boy. Might be they have some connection. I was so close to find killer. My bad luck.

Snapping out of my thought, I notice the door opening. Dean enter in class and sit beside me. Children start gossiping. Damm i hate this. I glare at them. They just look away. Dean grab my left  hand. Which I gladely pull back glaring at him. He smile innocently.

"How is your hand? "He ask.

"Good, not a big deal. "I reply with small smile.

"Both of you will look good together. "Dhalia whisper to me.

"Fuck off. "I reply.

"What is wrong in that. "Dean smirk at us. "Besides you are good in yourself. "He wink.

"Go to hell both of you. And dhal I thought you are my best friend. "I glare at Dhalia.

"I am your good friend therefore I am not hitting on dean. It will be not bad idea to have a night with him. " dhalia smirk while dean chuckle.

"I don't date anyone. Atleast not until I get job. "I reply.

I glare at them not liking their jock. Really just a two days happen and this dean is not leaving me alone. What I even done wrong to anyone. Maybe because I lied to brother about his candies. stupid brain.

Suddenly the door burst open again reveling one and only Lorenzo Hernandez. Shit. students look at him in horror probably wondering about their senior. With him there is Ashton and other two boys. I hide myself to make sure he can't see me but who I am to stop him. He notice dhalia moving his eyes besides him his eyes pierce into mine. No. No. No. I repeat as he took step towards me. Dean look at me with confusion. Lorenzo came towards me grabbing my hand he pull me out of the class and into the hallway he pin me on the wall trapping me into his strong hands. He glare directly at me. Ashton look at me with smirk. Dean and dhalia also follow us.

"Why your hand is bruised? "Lorenzo ask me with glare.

"Well I lost my balance and get with the car but it didn't harm me more. "I try to lie. But I am dealing with my brother who can read me like a open book. I bit my lower lip.

"Don't lie to me baby. "Lorenzo glare at me.

"One minute who the hell are you to talk with her like that. "Dean interrupt us. Of course no one from my grade except dhalia knows that he is my brother.

"Hey dean. Dont. "Dhalia warn him.

"But he have no right to speak like that to her. "Dean glare at Lorenzo.

"He is your boyfriend? "Ashton ask me with glare.

"No why would I date someone without asking you. "I reply.

"Dhalia why she is hurt. "Lorenzo ask.

"Huh! She will tell you don't ask me. "Dhalia nervously answer him.

I gron resting my head on Lorenzo's chest I look towards hallway. Rowena is moving towards class. Her orange hairs are waving in air. why see is in school today. She was missing from few days. She doesn't look in good condition. She in frustration. My eyes lands on her ankle,she is wearing shoes but by look at her I can easily tell that she is limping. She is a girl, even she have lots of hoodies, Rowena and Everlyn never get along. Besides she is limping. She is in same school as me. Then it hit me. She is the only one that can hate Everlyn because dean was Everlyn's boyfriend. Shit, its clear but who was the boy who attacked me last night. May be they are together. I immediately look at my brother with wide eye's.

"Principessa. "Lorenzo speak in his deep italian scent.

"I get this. I know. I know. "I try to explain. Lorenzo cup my face.

"What do you know mia sorellina?  "Lorenzo ask me.

"Killer. I know her. "I speak little deep.

Lorenzo eyes scanning me. Ashton, dhalia and dean look at us in shock. I am in shock too it was secret between me and my brother. Shit. I curse myself mentally.

"What do you mean, grace? "Dean ask me.

"Sorry I was not supposed to spit this. "I said.

"Wait a minute explain me, first about this boy "dean angrily point at Lorenzo "and about the killer thing. "He of finish.

"Hey dean let's go you will make Lorenzo and Ashton angry. "Dahlia try to pull dean but he just stood at his place.

"You fight with everyone who try to disrespect you but you are not speaking anything to this stranger. " dean glare at me.

"Damm it boy. I  am not stranger I am her brother. "Lorenzo angrily grab dean's collar.

"Stop this shit. We have something important to discuss. "I angrily stop them.

The bell rings signalling us to move to our classes. Lorenzo sigh. Kissing my forehead he inform me that we will talk about it after the class. I nod at him in agreement. With that we left For our class. Sighing I sit in my class, ignoring everything else I focus on my class.

It didn't take much time, the day goes by easily. Me,  dahlia and dean are walking towards the locker. We stand there waiting for my brother.

"Hey grace sorry, I was not knowing about your brother. "Dean apologize to me.

"That's okay, you don't know about him. "I reply.

"But that is not fair I was your partner in crime, since when Lorenzo took my place. "Dahlia glare at me. I smile at her innocently.

"Well I never planned to inform him but I was caught red handed. "I answer her truthfully.

"Apology accepted. "She answer me after thinking little.

Lorenzo join us after few minutes. Ashton is with him munching chips . He offer me but I reject him. He look at me with confusion but he again cover it by naughtiness. I glare at him.

"That's right you are still baby let me buy you a bottle of milk. "Ashton smile innocently.

"I am not baby. "I reply him angrily. He knows very well that I don't like that baby thing.

"Yes you are look you can't even take care of yourself."Ashton reply back smirking widely. Damm why he always fight with me.

"Ash stop it. "Lorenzo told to his best friend. Atleast someone is on my side. "She is my baby. "Lorenzo smirk at Ashton which he gladly return.

"I hate both of you. "I point both of them.

With that I walk away but Lorenzo hug me from behind not letting me to move. I try my defense move on him but insted he pull me up from the ground so I can't move. I drag my feet but no use I am in air. I gron in frustrated. Ashton and Lorenzo start laughing hard. That's why I don't like when they both are at  same place with me. I plead dhalia but she just smile innocently shaking her head as a no. Dean rather look with no emotions but when i look at him he smile. I grab my hair in frustration. Lorenzo notice it and put me down. He always know whenever I am in bad mood.

"Now take a deep breath. "Lorenzo command me, I seriously listen him. "Then let it out. Repeat it for five times. "He told and did it with me.

"I am feeling good now. "I smile at my brother.

"Now tell what do you mean. "Lorenzo ask.

"look Rowena wear hoodie. She didn't like Everlyn. And also before few days when I examined rooftop, she was there watching my movements, so I chase behind her. I accidentally hurt her ankle and yeah thats it. "I explain him.

"But it doesn't prove anything. "Lorenzo dismiss me.

"I know Lore but atleast we can check on her. "I try to reason him. But he shook his head.

"We cant tell her anything besides this three people now know about our secret. " he reason me.

I gron. It was enough of proof but he is right I have to find something more for explanation. At this movement I really want my dad with me. But I can't be depend on dad always. I mean I am not a baby I have to me more independent. Lorenzo took me home without jocking with me. He understand that I want to be alone for now. We reach home but dad and mom are not here yet. Insted they messaged us saying that they won't be home. Lorenzo order lots of food. He make sure that I eat lot of food without skipping my meal. He is good brother. Later he kiss me goodnight. I did same with him. With that I drift into deep thoughts . no stop grace stop. Sleep.  its not healthy for brain. But just cant sleep with this failure.

Then something came to my mind. Oh yeah. Hacking. I quickly pull out my phone. Clicking on Instagram I stare at mine and Lorenzo's pictures. Even dhalia is in the picture. She looks good. I search for Rowena Rhodes and I was right she have Instagram account. Putting phone on desk. I pull out laptop haking Rowena's phone. I am Sure she is not rich. I hack every system of her. Finding the proof I really want my eyes brighten. Now I have proof Rowena was the person who send me death treat back then. I immediately click some pics. Yes. Yes . yes. I win. Finally I can sleep peacefully.

But game is not over yet, I still have to find killer boy. And I am hundred percent sure, this game is big then I was thinking. Well its fun.