Chapter 6


After last day incident nothing change much. Dean become good friend with me and dahlia. Rowena is safe, me and Evelyn forgive her. Evelyn join school again. Lorenzo never leave me alone, he always stay for me. That is annoying. But I can't change that. Mom and dad didn't know about my little stunts. I find Ashton glancing at dahlia every now and then. Looks like someone find treasure.

Currently we are in our class enjoying our chit chats. Dhalia is fighting with me for God knows what and I am in my thoughts like usual. I should stop thinking about useless stuff. Then my eyes land on the teacher, there is one boy beside her. Maybe new student. The boy is not bad I mean handsome. Don't get me in wrong way. I don't have a any feelings for anyone. The teacher introduce the boy. His name is Wesley. He is in neat clean uniform while his black hair are swept back. His green piercing eyes scan the students. Maybe registering the new environment. He politely introduce himself. Having no other place to sit, teacher tell him to sit beside Evelyn. Girls practically doodle all over him but Wesley didn't pay any attention to them.

Ignoring him I focus on my class. The day goes by as usual and now we finally finished school. I and dahlia decide to hang at the shop, after asking my brother I went to her house then at the shop. Currently, dahlia is making me purchase something for me.

"Look these black high heels. They will look good on you. " she ordered.

"Oh come on you will purchase the whole shop. "I reply to her.

After lots of shopping, we bid goodbye to each other. She left for her home. I pull out my phone. My battery dies. No, now I have to walk the whole route back. Sigh. Having no options I start moving back to my home. Enjoying every movement. But suddenly five drunken boys come out from no where. Crap. I try move. Keyword:try. But they grab my hands. Now I have to deal with this boys.

"Hey, lovely lady. "One boy flitter with me.

"Hi, handsome. "I replied rolling my eyes..

Within the movement I flip both of boys who was holding me. Taking chance I kick the middle boy so hard where sun doesn't shine. He fall on the ground groaning in pain. Taking movement I try to run but someone grab my ankle causing me to fall down on the ground. The boy straddle on the top of me. The other boys held my hand and legs causing me to stop my movement. I hit my head with the boy straddling me. He move away groaning . I free my self from them as I was taught by my dad. I quickly move back causing me to hit something. I look back. Wesley is standing there looking angrily at the drunked boys. I back away a little. He took steps forward punching them. I didn't wast time hitting other. Within the minutes the boys run away scared.

Wesley come towards me, cupping my face he check if I am hurt or not. I stare at his deep green eyes. Its beautiful. His eyes scan every inch of my face checking if I am okay or not. He back away when he Find nothing. His eyes still bore into mine.

"Thank you for helping me. "I reply with little smile.

"You don't have to thank me. Besides you are brave, I like that. " he smile back.

I just simply smile at him. He took my bags. "Let me drop you to your home. "He ask.

"No that's okay. " I assure him.

"No let me. "He reply again eventually I agree with him.

"What you was doing here? "I ask.

"I was at the nearby shop and I heard some noises so I thought to check here. "He explain me.

"Wo.. I am lucky today. "I reply.

"Yeah right besides you alone can beat them. "He chuckles.

"I know.  "I reply.

While chatting I finally reach my home. Wesley hand me my bags. I thank him again.

"Well I am Wesley Johnson. "He offer his hand to shake with me.

"I am Grace. Grace. "I reply shaking hands with him.

With that he left. I wait until he disappear from my sight. I sigh. Finally I am home. I enter in my home. Mom is on her laptop probably working . I left for my room. Opening it I arrange all the cloths in my cupboard. Finally closing it I pull out my laptop. Opening it I start searching for Wesley Johnson. Lot of things pop out from his profile. I am lucky to have this program , it is special spy program and I have it because of my dad as he is famous detective he can access lots of program. Well obviously I stole it but it doesn't matter.

I look at different pics of him kissing different girls. Well look like a playboy. I look more closely. He shifted to my country because his brother died in a car accident. Huh? Really. His mom and  dad was working in small office, recently they got hob in Hernandez company. His mom and dad work in my mom's office. Interesting. I click the pics of his mom and dad. His dad have a same green eyes while black hair. He looks handsome just like his son. and her mom is beautiful too with long black hair and pale face. Wesley's brother looks just like him but older then him. He have a black eyes like his mom. While his clothes suits him well.

Wait a minute his brother. I had seen him somewhere. But he is dead. Its not possible. I check death certificate of Wesley's brother. So his name is west. He was dead. Then the person who attacked me. May be I am mistaking. I look west's pictures  carefully. Damm he look same. No girl stop it. Its mistake. Instead I click pictures of Wesley's family and sticking it in my diary. I write all the important things that belongs to his family and of him. Clicking more information of west I find article about him.

'West Johnson died due to car accident. But eventually his girlfriend make out of the accident. '

Oh my god. This is whole thing . He come here due to his brother. I was stupid to find his information. I look back finding Lorenzo knocking on my door. I let him in. He come towards me closing the door behind him. I focus back on my laptop. Lorenzo look at me closely.

"Why are you searching on stranger? "Lorenzo ask.

"He is my new classmate. His name is Wesley Johnson. "I reply. Lorenzo took sit beside me by pulling the chair.

"I also have one new classmate. Her name is Vanessa brown . she looks totally bad person . "he reply shrugging.

"Humm. "I reply.

I put her name in search engine. After few minutes I got her information. She looks one of the popular girl of the school. She have a lots of pics with west. She was west's girlfriend. She make out of the accident. I pull out my diary showing Wesley's information to Lorenzo. He gasps looking at information and joining puzzles together. They both are from same city and they know each other well. Interesting . why they both show up together. That's not a coincidence .

"Brother looks like they both have connection. " I look at my brother. He nods agreeing with me.

"Well sleep Gracia. I don't want to see you in more trouble. "He reply.

"Okay then good night. "I smile kissing his cheek.

"Good night. "He reply and left me alone in my thoughts.

Signing I drift into deep sleep. Let's see what tomorrow holds for me.