
Night had come and with it, the calm. It would soothe the busy town with the lights scattered across beautifying the streets.

"Man, who knew modeling would be so tiring." Cho would be seen walking down the street, with his right hand gripping a bag of groceries. He had picked up the order this time around due to Byung being sick and Kwan taking care of him. He had his headphones to keep himself company, blasting a chart-topping K--pop song.

"This sucks." He grumbled once more, and a bunch of thugs would call out to him to stop.

"Hey, you! Stop right there." The leader of these misfits would shout and Cho would stop not because he heard the command shouted at him but because he was changing his song.

It did not take long before he was surrounded, but Cho did not pay them any attention and walked right past them while murmuring the lyrics of the song he was listening to.