
Three figures crept up the apartment in which Byung lived, and a knock soon followed.

The door would reverberate, creating a sound that could not be ignored by Byung. Bursting through his room, he would head to the main door visibly annoyed.

Upon opening the door, he would scream at whoever was behind it.

"WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU WANT!?" He barked like a dog defending its privacy but readjusting his gaze, he would see Gyeong holding the hand of Jinwoo and a bandaged man, also known as Ki-tae right before him but why?

"Who the f*ck is this mummy looking piece of sh*t?" Byung asked with no regard to the man, clearly showing Ki-tae no respect and Jinwoo was about to tell him just who he was talking to but Ki-tae would raise a finger, gesturing him to not reveal his identity, at least just not yet...

"You must be Byung," Ki-Tae said but Byung would completely ignore his rhetorical question, as well as his entire existence.