New Partner

"This is bad." He thought to himself, seeing as she was vulnerable at this particular moment.

"Hahaha! Are you blushing, Kwan!?" Alice shouted. It became clear to Kwan that she was teasing and he heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"You wish! Your mouth reeks! I was trying my best not to throw up." Kwan landed a comeback that made Alice move back to her default position strategically upon hearing this.

"Thank you for staying with me, Kwan. I feel safe when I am with you." She said.

"Don't make this awkward," Kwan replied as they both sat in silence but the silence was not awkward.

Byung's phone rang, but it was not the person he expected. It was Kwan, picking up almost immediately.

"Hello, is everything over there alright?" Byung began the conversation.

"Yeah… well, not exactly," Kwan responded in a wavering voice.

"Did she kick the bucket?" Byung asked. The urgency in his voice was lacking.

"She tried to…. Nevermind, it is nothing," Kwan said, before hanging up the phone.