First Kiss?

Days passed and the indiscriminate attacks continued but at a much smaller scale, the underhanded tactic utilized to try and get hold of Byung failed thanks to the timely intervention of Ekam.

Xing was convinced he had fished out the mole but did he have enough evidence to present such a bold accusation, the idea of a possible mole was suggested by Mihir and Xing acted on this information immediately and thanks to his smart and seemingly reckless decision, he forced whoever was after Byung to play their hand due to the imminent threat of his life.

The 7 Light of Anarchy returned to normal, or at least there was some normalcy in the guild and given the stress on Byung.

They had given him a week off from work with pay, which allowed him to catch up with his friends but he hadn't spent enough time with Hayoon considering he's interested in her so why not dedicate today to treating her to a meal?