First Test Completed.

Byung was faced with a problem that had only multiplied because this creature acted rabid, it looked like it wanted all the smoke. Smoke, Byung did not have and this posed a very big problem but he had taken vital information regarding its reaction to blood.

Luckily the wound Byung had gotten was shallow so he had simply wrapped it up during the time the creature was devouring its mate, he knew that it would charge at him regardless of blood but the creature did not.

Instead, it stayed in place and Byung thought about overeating and how you will have to stay in place to digest but did this apply to Dragonflies?

He quickly threw that logic out the window, last he checked Dragonflies did not fucking eat people but despite it being stationary Byung did not have any supernatural strength and knew he did not have the physical capabilities to cause it damage.