
Gyeong so far was the only one to lose, Jinwoo and Geun emerged victorious in their fixtures.

Curious eyes were now on the 7 Lights Of Anarchy because they were relatively unknown before coming into this exam but now they were blowing through more experienced guilds that followed the standard rules of carrying out a mission and getting their rank designated to them at the exams.

But since these long years, no one has ever seen the 7 Lights Of Anarchy.

Geun was taken to the treatment center alongside Claudia to check the extent of her injuries but Claudia went there for Geun because he helped heal her despite not being aware of the Abnormality that healed all wounds regardless of the severity, that waited inside.

"That was intense!" Byung shouted. He was fired up and could not believe that Geun was that strong, to begin with, he once thought his Archetype was only for those he touches but now discovered it can affect those that touch him.