Set Up?

Botho made a desperate move to take Jiao-Long's interest away from Byung by presenting an even bigger bait right in front of him, he dangled it and it was too good for Jiao-Long not to bite seeing as he had nothing to lose in the first place.

Aurora watched them walk away, the ceremony was over and she did not trust Abdel around Byung not with his earlier behavior but would the ability Byung displayed be of any good against a General since his energy far surpassed that of Byung.

"Abdel, whatever you are planning to do will result in war," Aurora warned him but her words fell on deaf eyes because Abdel frankly did not care about the consequences.

If The Council decided he was not guilty, which they most likely would, then there was nothing Asia could do as a whole for he does have the Key of Depravity in him.

Something Asia kept away from the rest of The Council. While Aurora was not aware of the key or the rest of the Generals excluding Jiao-Long, Botho was catching on.