Surprising Visit?

Days passed and the world was returning to normal, guild had resumed activities as well but not the 7 Lights of Anarchy as they were on high watch by The Council because they had Byung.

Byung was a person of interest now and he needed to not only maintain a low profile but also be protected by those that are tempted to eliminate him.

Ekam was no longer a member, it was a temporary alliance that had come to an abrupt end the moment Mihir re-entered the frame. This inadvertently diminished their power as their guild became severely weakened and Dohyun knew for a fact that he needed to get stronger or he risked dying a pathetic death as even a false General was able to influence him despite him being on the lower end of the Calamity spectrum.

Things were moving quite smoothly in South Korea despite the war, a war is not just fought on a whim but a lot of preparations go into it, so it was not an immediate concern as the economical warfare was the one currently going on.