New Lead?

Jiao-Long carried Byung away, they went to a nearby restaurant to eat and he was even more wary of Byung now that it seemed that Byung was not going to buy his idea,

The food was delivered on the table, but Byung was also wary of Jiao-Long and suspected that poison was inside the food. They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity but Jiao-Long heaved a frustrated sigh.

He took a bite of his food and Byung cautiously did so but then a conversation began. He wanted to know what Byung went to discuss with Dohyun considering he was supposed to be exempt from such visits and he could only link it to his sudden mood change.

"What did you do in the 7 Lights of Anarchy," Jiao-Long asked him directly and he noticed that Byung was having second thoughts about telling him what was going on.

"It is in your best interest to tell me," Jiao-Long said and Byung knew that Jiao-Long was responsible for him but he did not know if this extended to his problems but it was worth the try.