Vincent, I will drop the grenade at you instead. " Matty yelled, annoyed.

"Matty?" Chris eyed him.

"Oh, now we know what you guys are planning to do." Cole cackled.

"Count me in, bud." Vin joined too.

"Good job on matching the target of kill with the winning team!" Barbie announced.

Cole quickly looked down on his wrist see they had reached their target kill now making them only three less than the Salsiku team. 

"Heard that guys?" Cole asked in an excited tone.

"Oh...oh we did," Vin replied.

Cole checked the time and they had only half of the second left of the full one minute. It was was a time that any moment the game would be over and there was a good chance of them winning it and going back home.

They just had to go by the plan as stated by Chris and Matty and execute it in the right moment of time, not missing even the flash of a millisecond.