As he resumed his journey to Vin's house, Cole felt like for one moment he could not see anything at all. His view became black and white and then back to black before turning frozen white.

He stopped in his tracks afraid. Damn! What was happening? He thought as he rubbed his eyes multiple times to generate a clear view but it was not working. He tried again and only on the nth time, his vision was somewhat back to normal but still, it was not clear.

This made him concerned about his eyes. There was nothing wrong with his vision. Then what happened now? 

A slight...little discomfort would have been fine considering many people lose the power of their eyesight with age but with him, things were worse. 

The moment before it felt like he was blind and could not see a thing. Everything turned black and white and frozen. He wanted to run back home and call the doctor for a quick eye check-up.