Cole finally reached near the front door and when he dragged the curtain aside to see who it was before opening because these days were not safe. It could be a burglar or a thief, who knew? His mother strictly asked him to open it only before looking out who it was.

If it was not a familiar face then not to open up but if it was, then asked him to let the person go and come back when she was available. 

It was none other than Mr.Evans. He smiled at Cole through the other side. Cole only groaned in annoyance having to come face to face with no one but him exactly. 

"Cole, I see you are the door." The man said loudly smiling, still knocking on the door.

Cole continued to watch the irritating man in monotone thinking that he might walk-off if he did not open the door but he remained there in the cold winter still knocking. 

"Cole, open the door. Let me get in. " 

"Why? Mom is not here. She is at work." Cole shouted back.