With the recent children getting kidnapped from their locality cases, she did not feel right. She felt like what if..what if they caught her son in their trap too?

It was all her fault...she thought as a soft sob left her mouth. She tried to muffle it but no use, Rafael already heard it.

He sighed and got closer to her. He opened the buttons of his warm coat and placed it over her shoulder. She crouched feeling a little shock.

"You will not listen to me and get inside anytime soon. This coat will keep you warm."

Rafael said as he steadied the coat around her petite frame. Ivory could not help but turn around then and look up at the kind man who had done nothing but kept comforting her even when she had nothing to offer him.

She sometimes wished..wished that Cole's father was still here with them. All these things would never have had happened. Cole would not have grown up to be an isolated boy, with his mind and body growing to hate his father.