"Do not panic It is me. Vincent!"

Cole breathed in relief and stood up. He felt Vin holding his hand as they started walking away slowly and slowly.

"Why are your eyes closed, man??"

Vin could not help but ask. Before he did not close his eyes. He was just curious why he remained sitting all alone with his eyes closed for this long.

"It just useless anyway having them opened, so kept them close."

Cole said as he followed holding Vin's hand. It was extremely uncomfortable to keep walking with his eyes closed, not knowing where exactly he was going.

"Makes sense but people were eyeing you weirdly you know sitting there, in the furthest corner, eyes closed and all that."

Vin remarked as he safely let Cole inside his Toyota Corolla and then closed the door before making sure, Cole was seated well.

He then turned around and got in his driver's seat.

"Is it not back yet?? Your vision?"