'You are not going to be killed!! Breathe common!!'

"Who was it?? Was it some state agency??"

'No! It was not the state! It was someone!'

"Who was it?? Could you not locate it??"

'I told you signals were not strong enough for me to scan the identity of the person. It was weird or else I could have blocked out it for once n forever!'

"Are we in danger??"

Cole could not help but ask that. He had no good feeling about it. Why did he feel like this was going to be the starting of all the never-ending problems that would be coming for him in the future??

'For now, we are not?'

That made Cole sit up. What the hell was wrong with this robot?? How could he respond to that particular question like that??

'Damn! Boy! You are scared!'

"Of course I m. What do you think?? Are we in immediate danger or something??"

Cole implored, running his fingers through his hairs, frustrated and clueless as he paced around the small room.