He could see the microbes floating in the air, the minute particles of which metals and no metals were made up of.

"Just thank you for being there for me every time without a break."

Cole uttered out, staring at the green grades dancing in the blowing light wind. The windy days were the dreamy days. You could just sit on the ground and gape at it with no sense of time.

'Ehh!! You are the one that is making all these wonderful and cheerful!!'

"No, if not for you, I would have been so confused. You give me an ample amount of time to know and learn things."

'I know I should be more strict with you as danger could come at any time from anywhere but I m being too light!!'

Cole cackled listening to the robot in his head. As much as it used to sound weird before that a robot resided in his head but now it felt normal and almost cool.