
I yank my hand back like Chase's skin scalds me.

He doesn't know anything. He just wants me to leave him alone.

"Saw me where?" I sneer at him.

Chase glances at Amy, then back at me. "Maybe you should ask your boyfriend that." Then he turns and walks away and I follow his progress. His shoulders are an island in the hallway. He doesn't stick to the Shine side—but he isn't jostled either. The Shades clearly figure it's pointless trying to nudge an elephant off course.

I find I'm disappointed that he doesn't look at me before he turns the corner.

Pushing the feeling away because it's ridiculous, I whirl on Amy, opening my mouth as the bell clangs over our heads. "Damn. You'll be late," I yell over it.

Amy stares at me, arms folded, lower lip pushed out. "Kate . . . what did you do?"