The TreeHouse

True to his word, Chase doesn't talk to me at group. It's as if he isn't even there. He sits on Trista's other side, joins a different group when we split up, and acknowledges me only with a wave as I hurry out of the room the second we're done.

It's been . . . odd. I can't stop thinking about Amy, how upset she was when she thought Chase had a crush on me. How relieved she was that she was wrong.

I have to help her see that just because Chase doesn't like me doesn't mean he will like her. I sigh. One more thing to add to my list of fixers.

An hour ago, I texted Aiden, asking what time he'd be off work and could we get together after group.

I haven't heard from him when I'm walking through the Youth Center, but as soon as I step outside, I see why. He's at the curb, car idling, waiting for me.

His face lights up when I push out of the main doors. I smile back and run across to him, leaning in the open window to kiss him.