Name Your Price

Kneeling in the circle watching this crazy ritual, my knees are starting to ache. But I barely notice. My heart pounds in my ears. By the time Derek gets to the fourth couple, I've gone numb.

Then a woman goes through the rite with barely a stutter. I watch her eagerly for hints about how she stays so calm, avoids most of the pain the others went through. Can I do it that way too?

She repeats Derek's words, only swallowing once, almost glowing with delight. Until the very end.

". . . My flesh is dark. My mind is given. My soul is won."

"Tell the Darkness what you want, Alice," Derek says.

"Power," she replies without hesitation. "The power to control people."

"Is this your deepest desire?"


"And what would you give the Darkness in return?"

She pauses then, and her tongue darts out. The woman behind her looks suddenly alarmed. Sucks in a breath like she'll interrupt.