Hurting the People I Love

Just as I'm about to shake Aiden, he winces and shakes his head, grimacing. "There's too much to explain tonight. Right now we need to figure out how to get this done."

What isn't he telling me? "Get what done? And what--"

"You. Getting Chase. Chase getting Amy. You need to text him. Now. Tell him you want to see him."

My jaw drops. "I'm not doing that. The only reason I went through with that awful rite was because I was terrified. I'm never going back there. Aiden, Derek killed someone."

What I don't say is that it hasn't escaped me that Aiden stood by and watched.

My heartrate skyrockets. Nausea punches at my throat. I think I'm shaking. Something's making the bed vibrate.

"You don't have any choice," Aiden says, his voice so dark it chills me.

"Watch me."