
Despite my nerves, as the Shades pile out of the building and begin to cross the cement, I search them for Chase's face. But he isn't there. I ignore the dip in my stomach. Am I enduring this for nothing? Maybe he's not even here today? Maybe I can go home to bed and sleep this off?

A flash of the nightmares I had every time I gave in to the exhaustion over the weekend, and I'm shaking again. Nauseous. Craving.

The group of Shiners saunter along the track. A few eyes slide up to glare at me, but no one says anything.

Then the door creaks again.

Amy's crossing the cement, laughing, her ponytail bobbing in the sunlight. And Chase walks next to her. Smiling.

He can keep me safe. For a split second, I feel relieved. Then the thought registers and I almost swallow my tongue.