Strategy & Promises

Amy's chin comes up and she stares down her nose at me, pretending she isn't scared of me.

If this whole thing wasn't so ridiculous, if the stakes weren't so incredibly high, I would laugh in her face. Seriously. She's threatening to get me grounded? She thinks that's what will scare me?

But without knowing it, she's hit a sore spot. She has paid for my mistakes. Maybe not in the ways she thinks. But whatever happens in the coming days, she'll pay. She'll lose her big sister, the one who's protected her from herself for all these years. She's already lost the guy she was crushing on. And that isn't fair.

I fold my arms and stare her down. Her haughty expression falters and she scowls.

"Keep the skirt on," I say firmly.

She glares. "No." Turns on her heel, and storms downstairs.