We Need a Guide

Twenty minutes later, we're both frustrated. We've searched everywhere. Nathanial isn't in his room and no one seems to know where he is. But Gordon thinks maybe he had to go pick up one of the Elders. I still don't know why we need Nathanial, but I haven't been able to get Chase alone to find out.

We're standing in the hall at the door of Gordon and Mary's room. Chase frowns and looks uncertain for the first time. Gordon just waits patiently, the gray wings of hair at his temples flashing in the dim light of the hallway. "Um," Chase says, shuffling his feet. "Do you know if we have any other Guides in the house?"

Gordon's eyes light up and he looks at me, then back at Chase, his smile growing.

I frown. What's a Guide?

"Are you two kids going to Bind?" he chuckles. "Mary, are you hearing this? You were right!"

Chase nods and I'd swear he was blushing.