Binding in the Light - Part 2

Jerry placed his hand on top of mine. My mouth dropped open as that light that had sprung up around him seeped over our hands keeping just a small distance from our skin as it crawled across our joint hands, then up our arms and on, until it circled us completely. I gasped with recognition. 

...Me and Chase stood in a room bathed in sunlight from a large window. We stood next to a bed—naked. His darker skin in deep contrast with mine. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. And there was a ring of light around the two of us, almost like a halo. A light that emanated from us. I'd never seen anything like it. But it was more than just light. There was something in it, some power—was he channeling? I didn't know, but somehow in the image I could feel it. That glow meant something. And it was something we had together. Something that kept us together...