The Silver Lining

Jerry looks back and forth between us, then sighs. "Kate, the bond of a true Pair, like yourselves, is a really wonderful thing. It's relatively rare, and your ability to communicate… there's no doubt in my mind that this was intended for you, and it will bless your life. I want you to know that before I explain. Do you understand that?"

"I already said I would have taken it anyway," I mutter.

"That's good," Jerry says. "So, what you need to understand then, is that what the bond creates between you is… a soul tie, I suppose. I'm not sure how else to explain. A connection—like a binding—between you and Chase that is at the soul level. It's beyond the family, physical body, everything. No matter where you are, or what you become, Chase will always be a part of you, and you a part of him."

I nod again. "I'm waiting for the part that makes me want to stab something."