New Day, New Answers

I wake in the morning to light barely gray through the window and almost roll over to look for Chase, but I hear a rustling, and a whisper. "Just give me a second, I don't want to wake Kate. She needs the rest."

I don't move, leave my eyes closed and keep my breathing slow and even. 

"What?" he whispers, "why now?" There's a pause. I can barely hear the voice on the other end of the phone. I catch Aiden's name and something about surveillance. "Well, of course I'll help, but I really think Kate would be at seeing his motives. She has a knack for—"

Chase breaks off. I hear the zip and pull of the sharp tugs he uses to lace his boots. The voice on the other end is low and urgent. What are they going to do? Whatever it is, they obviously want Chase and not me.

The anger I'd lost last night begins to simmer in my chest again.