The Scared Fox

Here in South Park we all are animal hybrids. No matter if we are a prey or a predator we all get along. At first I was afraid of predators when I was younger. I got scratched in the face by a fox hybrid for sticking up for my cat hybrid friend named Molly White.

But... When I went to school it really opened my eyes to the fact that we can actually all get along. There are some bullies but.... I learned how to fight back. The more I went down hurt, the stronger I became. Even though I'm a bunny I manage to fight back.

-Age 5. First day at school-

It was a really nice day until recess hit.

I was out with my best friend Molly, when I hear some yelling going on next to the monkey bars.

I look over and see a couple of bullies but they were all prey.

I noticed they were cornering someone..

"Jess I don't think you should get involved." said Molly feeling nervous knowing I won't hesitate to help someone in need of help.

"If I don't help them then no one will!"

I quickly ran to the group coming up with a plan in my head.

'There's too many and their too tall I can't push them away.... but the monkey bars, I can get a boost and get over them.'

I jumped on the monkey bar ladder and kick off swinging hard on the bars.

I let go and landed in front of the bullies.

I immediately turn around with my hands out shielding the person they were bullying.

I tensed when I see fox repellent in one of their hands.

I look at them all in the eyes.

"What are you doing?! Get out of the way bunny ears!"

"No!" I yelled out angry.


"No, I'm not leaving."

"Well then, I guess you'll have to go down with him."

I backed up feeling a bit nervous seeing them get closer.

"Mrs. Green!!! Their bullying my friend!!!!" Molly yelled in the distance.

"Boys! Get inside that's detention for all of you!" yelled the teacher.

They tensed up then glared daggers at me.

"Your making a mistake. You should NEVER trust a fox." He spat at me then stormed off.

'A fox?'

I hear sobbing from behind.

I turned around and felt my heart sink.

"Oh my god... Are you okay?"

I quickly took the muzzle off of him.

He was holding his arms in a ball crying hard.

I look behind me and see the group watching me.

I gave them a dirty look then they looked away.

I slowly knelt down and put my hand on his back.

He tensed up backing away shaking in fear.

"Hey....I'm not going to hurt you..I'm here to help."

He looked up with blood shot red puffy eyes.

"It hurts..." he cried out.

'They...shot that stuff in his could they do such a thing?'

I grabbed his hand.

"I'm going to help you but I need you to stand up, okay?"

He cried out rubbing his eyes hard.

I pulled him up helping him balance and guide him inside.

"I'll take you inside to a drinking fountain."


I put my hand on his back and guided him up to a fountain knowing he was closing his eyes.

"Now you have to trust me. This will be cold but this will relieve the burning immediately?"

"Please it hurts so bad.. I want the pain to go away." He cried out.

I hit the button on the drinking fountain.

"I know this hurts but open your eye and put your eye in the water."


When he put his eye in the water he whimpered softly.

"Hey... Your doing good just keep going."

"It hurts."

I put my hand on his back rubbing it softly.

"I know it hurts but this will make it feel better, I promise."

He stopped crying shortly after.

"Okay.. Try the other eye."

"It hurts!"

I felt tears come seeing this poor fox hybrid in so much pain.

"Hey if you do this... I'll get you a cookie at lunch."

He looked at me with his ears perked up.


I smiled.

"Yeah, you deserve it."

"But... I'm a... Fox.... dangerous...that's what they all tell me. I'm a monster."

"Not in my eyes. You are a scared fox that just needs a helpful hand...and if you let me...I'd like you to take my hand and get past this traumatizing experience. I understand this is very difficult to move forward from but... take my hand and I promise I'll make all the pain go away."

I held out my hand looking at him.

He looked at me in utter shock and disbelief with his mouth gaped open but he grabbed my hand.

"Come on just one eye. Your tough.. So tough. Go prove those jerks how tough you are and hold your eye under the water. I bet they are too chicken to do so."

I see something spark in him. He wasn't scared anymore. He was no longer a scared fox.

"Y-Yeah. I'm tough I'll show them!"

"There you go."

I see him hesitate but put his other eye on the water.

I slowly stroke his back softly trying to help the best I could.

I hear him whimper more.

"Come on buddy you got this."

I see him eventually pull away.

He wiped his face with his arm and looked at me.

"See your good as new. You look even better with a cookie on it's way."

He smiled big.

"Ohh ohh, I can't wait!" He cheered.

I lightly chuckled.

"My name is Jessica by the way. What's your name?"

"I'm Kyle..."

"It's nice to meet you Kyle. Hey did you want to hang out after school?"

"Wait really? Yeah I'd love to."

"Sweet, I can't wait."

I smiled.

'He's no longer a scared fox.. in fact he never will be again. I will make sure of that.'

"Come on class recess is over."

I see children flooding inside the building.

"Hey... Do you want to stay with me in class?" I asked.

"Oh uhh yes please." he said shyly.

He looked a little scared seeing the prey giving him dirty looks.

I look at them gritting my teeth glaring daggers at them all.

They growled at me then looked away.

"Hey... They do that again and I'll punch them okay?"

"W-wait really?"

"Yeah no one hurts my friends."


"Yes, your my friend...Is that okay?"

"Oh uhh y-yeah I'd love that."

I smiled big.

"Alright, let's go buddy."

He smiled as I grabbed his hand tight.

"I'll race you!" I yelled running.

"Hey not so fast!" He said laughing behind me.

Ever since that day we have been inseparable.