Chapter 9

Richard felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on him. Did she just say – to meet Jason Voorhees? He rubbed hands nervously and pinched the skin on his left palm, just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Wait… what? Did I hear that right? You want me to meet Jason Voorhees?"

"Yes, you heard it right," Sherry replied calmly. "And there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Nothing to be afraid of? Are you out of your mind? Encountering a merciless killer and not being afraid? He will kill me without thinking twice!"

"No, he will not. He will not touch any of my family members. He knows well what how important the family is, especially after losing his own mother. He has finally found a friend, which is me, and it is like a ray of light for him. And it means he will not allow anything to happen that could upset me in any way, shape or form." Sherry looked at the pan with pieces of fish lying near the fire and smiled. "See this fish I'm frying? While I was exploring the nearby woods for blueberries, he got the fish for me from the lake, so I can eat something. Believe me, Richie, he's not as bad as you might think. Yes, he is a killer, but if he treats me good, what does it matter? He might be killing just random campers who trespass his territory, but for a true friend he would do anything. I'm absolutely sure of that."

Richard scratched his head, thinking about what to say. Hearing that Jason Voorhees was able to do something good, and not just killing, was hardly believable. But, on the other side, if it was so, Sherry would have been dead right in the moment when she met him. Nevertheless, she was still alive and healthy, and even got something to eat. Maybe she was right after all.

"What makes you think that he will agree to meet me?" he asked.

Sherry put a hand on his shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, he will. Just remember one thing – if you want to ask something, ask such questions that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no". It's because Jason is mute."

"I see," Richard finally sighed. "Well, all right. I have nothing to lose anyway. If you insist, I will meet him."

The young woman barely kept herself from jumping like a little child, her eyes were literally shining from joy. But she gave in to her emotions and hugged her brother tightly.

"Thank you so much, Richie. I want you to know that I truly appreciate it and will be eternally grateful. This is really important for me."

"Anything for my little sister," Richard smiled kindly. "But we have to find him then, he might be anywhere now."

"Oh no, we don't have to look for Jason," she smiled. "Actually, he's here now, right behind that tree," she pointed to a large tree with a fat trunk. "He heard every word we talked."

"Oh… well…If so… let's give it a try then."

Not only Richard was surprised, but so was Jason, too. Why did this girl want him to meet her brother. It was pretty enough for him that her brother knew that he treated his sister well, but she seemed to want something more. Jason didn't want her to feel sad or upset, so let it be. He could control himself when it is necessary.

Sherry walked to the tree where Jason was hiding and took him by the hand.

"You can come out now, Jason," she said gently. "I'd like you to meet my brother, he's waiting by the fire. Will you do it for me?"

All Jason could do now is nod.

"Thank you, Jason. Now let's go."

Seeing his sister coming out with Jason Voorhees, Richard widened his eyes in fear and surprise. Holy hell, that's one real monster of a man, - he thought. That scary man instilled true fear in Richard's heart, but, if you think otherwise, having such a hulk on your side was pretty great. He was definitely on Sherry's side, so Richard guessed, the same would be with him. At least, he really hoped so.

"Well, here we are," Sherry began, winking to her brother. "While you both try to build up a conversation, I'll continue frying the fish, as I'm hungry."

Seeing his sister sitting near the fire, Richard cleared his throat and started talking, hoping for the best.

"Um… well, hello, Jason. I'm Richard, Sherry's brother. I just… I just want to thank you for all you did for my sister. I… have never expected her to be kidnapped like this and even more – to be brought here, where you live. I'm very grateful that you, in fact, saved her life and even provided some food for her, so she doesn't starve here."

Jason just nodded in response, like saying "It was nothing". Richard then smiled a bit and continued:

"So… as far as I understand, you got well with Sherry, right?"

The hockey-masked man nodded.

"And let me guess – you want her to stay here, with you?"

A nod again.

"And how do you think she would survive here? It's good that you can catch fish for her or maybe hunt down some wild animal for meat, but it's not enough. I hope you understand what I mean. Besides, our parents are very worried and nervous because of Sherry's sudden disappearance."

"Richie, wait a minute," Sherry decided to interfere.

"What is it?" he asked.

"If we began talking about my survival, then… I must ask you for a favor."

"Yeah, sure, just say."

Sherry took a deep breath and explained:

"You see, I'm going to stay here, at least for some time, and I really hope you will not refuse to do something for me."

Richard shook his head in confusion.

"Wait, wait, just a minute… you said you want to stay here? Why?"

"There are several reasons. First, me and Jason would like to know each other better. And second – I must be here when Jordan and Vanessa arrive here with their company. As for the third reason, if I come back home, I will have to hide myself so that Vanessa and Jordan don't find out that I'm alive until they come to the camp."

"Oh, so that's it," Richard opened his mouth, finally realizing Sherry's intentions. "So you want to show them that their plan failed?"

Sherry smiled in satisfaction and nodded.

"You're absolutely right. I want them to see me here alive and well, and, what's most important, I made friends with Jason. They wanted to leave me at the mercy of Crystal Lake killer, and now they would be the ones that will meet their doom from his hands."

Richard was silent for a few moments. It looked like he was thinking things over.

"Well, sounds like a plan. But what about this recording I made? It's a solid proof of their guilt. If I present it to the police, there will be no lucky escape for them."

"True," Sherry agreed "but not yet, Richie, not before those jerks come here. Look, if they are blamed and arrested for my kidnapping, they will be kept in prison for some time, and then what? They will be let out and continue living their life happily, while I will have a moral trauma for the rest of my life. And if their plan succeeded, I would be dead by now. No, such punishment would be too easy. They will pay dearly for what they did to me, and for the stress and sorrow it brought upon my family."

"I see. I support your idea, Sherry, but what about mum and dad? What should I tell them?"

"Tell them the truth and let them listen to the recording. But please, try to persuade them not to tell anything to the police, otherwise everything will fail."

Sherry then looked to Jason who was listening and absorbing all the information.

"Now, Jason, I have to ask you something. As this camp is your home, your territory, I would like to ask you permission for my parents to visit me sometimes, if they want to see me. Would you allow that?"

Jason showed no signs of replying or understanding for a few minutes. He didn't like strangers coming to his camp, but this was different. It was the family of his friend, and if she's asking him to allow them to visit her, it means that she needs her family. But with one condition – they all must keep silent and no one must know about him. So Jason finally nodded, but put a finger to the place on the mask where his mouth would be.

Sherry's lips stretched in a wide smile and she fought her own emotions and kept herself from hugging Jason right now and them. But she decided it was better to keep this only between them both, not while Richard was here.

"Thank you very much, Jason. Just know that I'll be eternally grateful to you for everything. And don't worry, everything will be kept in a secret." She then turned back to her brother. "Okay, Richie, back to our topic. When I said about doing me a favor, I meant that you or our parents, if they decide to visit me sometimes, to bring me some things from home. Thus I could survive here."

"Ah, that's how you imagined that. Well, it's an idea actually," Richard agreed.

"Yeah. Of course, I'm not forcing you to do it."

"Hey, come on, sis, it's not a problem. Wasting some gasoline is not such a big sacrifice. Just tell what you need."

"Oh, really? Well, I can't thank your enough for being such a wonderful brother," Sherry smiled and hugged him, and Richard returned the hug. "So, first of all, I need clothes, but something sporty, something that could be fine to wear in such place like this. Plus, I would need underwear and my hygienic stuff."

"Wait a second, Sherry," Richard interrupted her and began searching for something in his pockets. Finally he pulled out a small notebook and a pen from the pocket inside his jacket. "You better write everything you need so I don't forget anything."

"Oh, okay, good idea."

Sherry took the notebook and the pen and sat down on a blanket at the fire, thinking everything thoroughly before writing down. Richard exchanged sights with Jason, nodding to him, thus showing that this was a necessary thing. Jason wasn't stupid and understood that Sherry needed this all to survive here and nodded in response. Richard smiled, realizing that Sherry was indeed right. Jason wasn't that terrible as he might seem.

Several minutes passed until Sherry finally finished the list of things she wanted to be brought to her. Beside clothes, underwear, towels, bikini and hygienic stuff she asked for plastic dishes and cutlery to eat, as the dished in the camp were so dirty that it's better not to touch them at all. Then she asked to bring her laptop and all the materials she was working on for her thesis. She planned to continue working on it here, at the camp. The next thing in the list was an USB for the wireless Internet connection to keep contact with her family through Skype, followed by new sheets for bed and a small desk lamp. She didn't forget also about a fitting where several cords can be plugged in simultaneously. And, of course, food.

Richard checked the list and nodded. He would do anything for his dear sister.

"Oh, and one more thing. It would be nice if you could buy me a new cell phone card. Those bastards have taken the old one out and, probably destroyed it, so I would be left without any contacts with the world."

"Sure, sis, no problem," Richard smiled, patting her on the shoulder. "I'll bring you the necessary stuff today as soon as possible, like clothes, food, towels, laptop with all the additions, plastic dishes and hygienic stuff. Maybe parents will also come with me. But I think I'll be able to bring all the rest, too."

"Thanks, Richie. But first let mum and dad know that I'm fine so they stop worrying."

"Of course," Richard agreed. "But I'm sure they will gain peace only after they see you personally. They will be worried about you living with a killer in the neighborhood."

"No doubt. In this case try to persuade them to join you and come here to visit me. Jason allowed that so there shouldn't be problems."

"Yeah, I think it will go easy," Richard said. "Okay then, Sherry, it's time for me to go now. I'll return in a few hours with the things for you and, perhaps, with parents, too."

"Okay, Richie, see you then." Sherry hugged her brother and he turned to his car. But before leaving Richard turned to Jason.

"It was nice to meet you, Jason, and thanks again for Sherry. I'll be back soon."

Jason just nodded as usual and watched how Sherry's brother started the engine and left. Deep inside he was thankful that her brother agreed to help Sherry. He really wanted her to stay here, as there will not be any other person who would look at him like something else than just a merciless killing machine and an ugly freak. And one thing he knew for sure – when those who mistreated her come to the camp, he will make them suffer. He will make them pay for everything they did to a good girl named Sherry.

Watching her brother drive away, Sherry sighed and turned to Jason who was now staring at her. If she knew what was going on in his mind now, it would definitely make her smile. She was happy that Richard agreed to support her idea and hoped that parents would also cooperate. Now she had much time to know Jason better and see how their relationship develops in the nearest future.