Chapter 17

Sherry noticed Jason being in sort of a nervous state. He still sat near her, but now and then looked back at the road that leads out of the camp. It seemed like he was waiting for something.

"Are you alright?" she asked him.

Jason nodded and pointed to the road.

"What is it? Are you waiting for something? Someone must come here?"

He nodded again.

"But who? I'm not expecting my parents or brother today, so they won't come. Who else do you await, if only not some visitors again who want to take a risk?"

This time the large man not just nodded, but patted her on the shoulder lightly. He liked that she understood him well, so he didn't have to think hard on how to explain things to her. But it didn't mean that it would always be that easy.

"Oh, so that's it, another group of visitors? But how can you know that they come exactly today? Are you able to feel it somehow, or?"

Another nod from Jason. Sherry asked no more questions, but deep inside she was curious if Jason really possessed some supernatural abilities, like telepathy or something of that kind. He was indeed a very interesting and unusual being, and the more she stayed with him, the more she wanted to study him. And what's most important – with each day, Sherry was becoming sure that she was growing attached to Jason, and not just the feel of respect and friendship guided her. There was something more than that.

Suddenly Jason got up and pulled Sherry with him, but this time he remembered to do it carefully. Sherry once had yelled at him for being rude and hurting her, so he tried to do his best not put any more bruises on her skin. Then he pointed to the towel on the ground, making Sherry understand that she had to take it with her, and then led her to the cabin.

"I guess you want me to stay inside while you go hunting, right?"

A nod.

"Are you going to lock me up again?" Sherry asked, steeping inside the cabin. This time Jason shook his head, but first pointed at her and then put his index finger to the mask where his mouth should be. This was more than clear to her – he wanted her to stay quiet.

"No problem, Jason, I won't make a sound, don't worry," Sherry smiled. "They will never know about my presence."

Jason nodded and closed the door without locking it, and then left. Sherry then took off her wet swimming suit and changed into more comfortable clothes, first the underwear and then shorts and a top on straps. Taking one of her books from the desk, she sat on her bed and began reading, but it was difficult to concentrate the thoughts on the text. She couldn't stop thinking about how Jason could know that someone was going to arrive to the camp. All she could do was to admire this monster of a man. And she would do as he asked now – just to be quiet while he had his fun. She would not let him down.


"Hey, Chris, there it is! The road sign to Camp Crystal Lake!"

"Oh yeah, right, but it's so barely visible in the distance. You notice it practically in the last moment."

Chris turned right at the small wooden sign with a name "Camp Crystal Lake." After a few meters they passed a large sign that welcomed everyone to the camp. In a few meters more the cabins finally appeared and the access to the lake was clearly visible. And when Chris turned the car engine off, Chelsea stepped outside and looked around, breathing in the warm summer air.

"I must say, this place looks lovely," she said. "Everything seems so peaceful, so serene. I would have never imagined that something grisly could have ever happened here."

"Chelsea, please," Chris huffed. "Forget about it once and for all. More than twenty years has passed since then. Relax finally and help me set the tent."

After the tent was set, Chris pulled out a large pack of charcoal pieces from the trunk and a barbecue set while Chelsea took care of the food bag and the backpacks. While her boyfriend was busy with the barbecue, she stepped behind the car and put on her swimming suit as she was sure they would take a swim in the lake. Leaving her clothes in a tent, she ran right into the water.

"Hey, babe, wait for me!" Chris shouted playfully.

"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere," Chelsea laughed. "When you finish, join me."

Chris set the charcoal on fire, and while it burned for some time, the couple used it for refreshing themselves in the waters of Crystal Lake. The weather was indeed hot and the sun was burning like hell, so being in water seemed like heaven. Chris and Chelsea embraced each other, sharing loving kisses and cuddling. Nothing could ruin this romantic moment for them, and not just this particular moment. There was much more to come when the sun begins to set. Or, at least, that's what they thought. Little did they know that they were far from being alone in this camp.


Jason stood among the trees and high bushes, watching every move of the uninvited visitors. This large thing they put at the lake, it was probably when they were going to spend the night. And the fire, yes, just like many of his victims, they made fire and ate something. Nothing out of ordinary so far. And now they went into the water. Jason knew well what was going to follow later, he has studied so many such people that came here. Somehow all of them behaved approximately the same way, with little difference. He watched the young couple, clenching his fists in fury. The monster man barely could keep himself from attacking right now, from walking into the water silently and drowning these pathetic creatures. But he decided it's better to wait until the dark. It is so adorable when those stupid youngsters tremble and run in fear. When the sun sets, he will make sure they won't leave this place alive.

The couple was obviously busy with each other, and Jason thought it would be good to damage the car somehow or at least take away the keys. Thus they can forget about escaping with car. And lucky for him, the car was parked so that the driver's door was facing the exit path from the camp. Thus Jason quietly crept to the car unnoticed and tried to open the car. It looked like these guys were so sure they were alone here that they didn't even bother locking the car. Moreover, they even left the keys on the driver's seat. Fantastic, just what he needed. Jason took the car keys and put them into the pocket of his tattered jacket. Then he closed the door, doing his best not to make a sound, and hid in the nearby woods, not going too far so he wouldn't lose the sight of his potential victims.

Meanwhile, the coal in a barbecue set was ready, and the couple finally left the lake and went to dress up for lunch. It was hard to see in the distance what exactly they were preparing to eat, but as soon as the smell of grilled meat reached Jason's nostrils, he closed his eyes for moment. Although he felt no need to eat like humans do, but the smell of freshly grilled meat was what he enjoyed. Usually people finished all the food they had, and there was no possibility for him to taste something, but it didn't matter too much. All that mattered was the hunt, and Jason waited patiently for darkness to come.

Several hours passed while the couple was sitting at the fire, enjoying lunch and chatting about their own things. It seemed like both have forgotten about the grisly past of the camp, and now relaxed in the nature. Step by step the sun was approaching the west and they sky was slowly getting darker. Jason watched while the guy extinguished the fire and the girl lighted the lantern that she brought out of the tent. For some time they continued sitting and just staring at the lake until pale stars began appearing in already rather dark sky.

"You know, I love sitting and looking at the stars," Chelsea said dreamily, supporting her head against Chris's shoulder. "What do you think, are we really alone in this world? I mean, could there be life somewhere in space?"

"Who knows, who knows," he replied, hugging her shoulders. "And what do you think, maybe it's time for us to slip into our tent?" he winked.

"Hmmm… maybe," Chelsea giggled and rushed to the tent, crawling inside. Chris picked up the lantern and followed his girlfriend into the tent.

Seeing this, Jason decided it was finally time to strike. He slipped out of his hiding spot silently, so no one would ever hear him. He moved like a spectre, so for an unprepared victim there was no chance to live. And these both for sure weren't prepared for what it was to come. While the large man slowly approached the tent, drawing his machete out of the holster, he listened attentively.

The sound of lips kissing and blissful moans were emanating from the tent, accompanied by female giggles. And in the light of the lantern two dark silhouettes were visible while caressing and kissing each other, and slowly taking their clothes off. This Jason wasn't going to bear. He wouldn't allow these despicable creatures do such disgusting things in his territory. So he decided to make some noise now, and began with the rustle of bushes nearby, loud enough so the couple would hear it.

"Hey, what was that?" Chelsea asked.

"What?" Chris was surprised a bit.

"I heard something outside, like bushes rustling," she replied.

"Relax, babe, it must be some kind of nocturnal animal or bird," Chris tried to reassure her. "Don't forget that we are in a wooded area, so there must be plenty of such beings around."

Jason listened to every word they said, and if he could, he would definitely have laughed. But, on the other hand, it was good that he couldn't make such sounds, otherwise the prey would have spotted him in the wrong time. But their stupidity sure entertained him. Somehow most part of his victims weren't smart, and he noticed that. But, better for him. They are stupid enough to come here despite the warnings, and it means more fun for the local predator.

The couple soon forgot about the bushes and got back to their make-out session. But there wasn't much they could do when they heard distinct sound of heavy footsteps outside the tent.

"Do you hear it, Chris? I don't know about you, but I'm sure those were someone's footsteps," Chelsea whispered, now fully dressed up.

"You're right. We're not alone here," Chris also dressed up and listened carefully. "Come on, let's get to the car and fast. I have a revolver in my glove compartment. I hope we don't need to use it, but there's something suspicious. We better drive away now to somewhere safe and come back for our things tomorrow, when it's daytime. Stick close to me."

Holding the lantern in one hand and his backpack in the other, Chris slipped out of the tent with Chelsea, and both ran for the car. Putting her backpack inside, Chelsea searched the glove compartment as Chris told her about a gun in there. She found it and threw it to him, but Chris was searching for something at that moment.

"Damn it, where are the keys? I left them right here, on the driver's seat," he said, confused.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. I can't see them anywhere."

"Oh, shit… If there is someone around here… he must have stolen the keys!" Chelsea exclaimed. "But why didn't he take the car then, I wonder?"

"I don't know, but whoever it is, I doubt that he's friendly," Chris replied nervously, checking the gun load. "Alright, here's what we do: as we can't drive anywhere, I'll take the cell phone from the backpack and call the cops so they collect us from here. We'll explain everything to them, and tomorrow we can come back here with the police and take the rest of our things while they search the area."

"Ok, I just hope we can hold till they arrive," Chelsea looked around in fear.

"Don't worry, it will be fine," said Chris, pulling his cell phone out. "In any case, we have a gun, and if… Look out! Behind you!"

"What…" Chelsea didn't manage to realize what was going on when something hit her on the head. Her vision started to blur and in a moment everything went dark. Seeing his girlfriend falling to the ground, Chris dropped the cell phone from shock, seeing a man in a hockey mask who hit Chelsea on the head with the hilt of a machete.

"You son of a bitch…" he hissed and grabbed the gun, aiming it at the attacker. Only when the stranger appeared from behind the car, Chris could finally see how tall and massive the guy was. It was truly a large monster of a man, and Chris instinctively understood that this was no other than Jason Voorhees that people in the town were talking about, the one who drowned in the lake as a boy. But if he drowned, then how… At this moment Chris was confused. Then this Jason somehow managed to survive the drowning? But people claimed confidently that he drowned for sure. Then who, or, more precisely, what was standing before him? Then this man is… an undead being?

"Don't you dare to come closer!" Chris tried to sound threatening, but he knew his voice was trembling. "Stay where you are or I'll shoot!"

But it looked like neither his threatening, nor the gun in his hands affected Jason, as he began making steps towards Chris. The frightened young man then made the first shot, while backing away from the enemy. He shot the second, the third time, but the creepy semblance of a man wasn't even going to stop, but only increased his walking speed. At this moment Chris's suspicions about Jason being an undead creature were confirmed. He emptied all the clip of his gun, but it didn't do any good. The monster in a hockey mask was moving towards him inexorably, like a thunderstorm. Chris dropped the empty gun then and just ran into the woods. Jason knew that this miserable being won't escape him, and before following, he noticed a cell phone lying on the ground at the car. He began stumping on it with his heavy boot until a cracking sound reached his ears, and the phone broke into pieces. The leys were still in his pocket, and it pretty means that he cut their every way to escape. And then the chase started.

In the meantime, Chris blindly ran through the woods, wherever his eyes looked. He knew he wouldn't be able to run eternally, so he thought it would be better to hide behind some high, thick bushes and listen. The monster sure made heavy footsteps, so it would be impossible to miss him. So Chris found himself a hiding spot, kneeling down on the ground, and listened carefully.

The monster didn't keep waiting. In a few minutes the sound of heavy footsteps reached Chris's ears. His face was all covered in sweat and the heart was beating so fast that the young man felt like if it's going to jump out of his chest. Jason stopped in a couple of meters from Chris's hiding spot, looking around and seemingly listening. He heard that the escapee's footstep sound faded in this area, so he must be around here somewhere. Chris hoped that this creep won't find him and thought about his next step, when suddenly…

"Chris!! Where are you?!" a female voice broke the silence.

Chris felt the blood in his veins grow cold. Chelsea! She woke up!

"Chris, please, answer me!"

Of course, the sound couldn't have missed Jason's ears. The girl was awake. Then it flashed in his mind that he could deal with the guy later, he won't get away in any case. Jason knew these woods like his own five fingers, and darkness wasn't an obstacle. His mind was now occupied with only one thing – eliminate the trespassers. So he turned around and went for the girl.

Now this was something that Chris couldn't allow. He might die himself, but he won't let this beast harm his beloved one. Only through his dead body.

"No, not her!!" Chris yelled. Jumping out of his hiding spot, he attacked Jason from behind, making him fall to the ground. Before the monster reacted, Chris quickly got up and kicked him a few times, but he knew that these actions won't keep the enemy down for long. Noticing a big branch that fell off the tree some time ago, the young man grabbed it and struck Jason with it as many times as he could. But that didn't stop the hockey-masked creep, of course, as he finally grabbed Chris's arm, getting up on his knees and making him drop the branch. Chris tried to fight and free himself from Jason's grasp, but the killer's strength was beyond him. Chris screamed in pain as he felt his arm bones twisting in Jason's large hand, but still tried to resist, no matter how useless it was. Jason finally knocked him down on his stomach, lifting the guy's shoulders a bit, and then started pressing with all his might. Unbearable pain pierced all the body of the unfortunate victim, and his screams were music to Jason's ears. One final push of the two massive hands, and Chris's spine finally broke in half. To make sure he's dead, Jason slashed the man's throat with a machete and got up, leaving him to die. And now it was time to go for the girl.

It was an easy task to track Chelsea down, as she still tried to call for her boyfriend and there was clearly sorrow in her voice, as she had probably heard the screams and assumed that he was dead. Jason decided to creep to her from behind, just like the last time, but he put the machete back in the holster and pulled out the hunting knife instead. Reaching the camp, he saw the girl walking around with a lantern in her hand. He didn't care whether she heard the screams or not, but it didn't matter. He would finish her without any problems, as he did with each of the previous victims.

As there was still no sign or answer from Chris, Chelsea was now sure that he was no more, and the screams she heard in the woods proved her guesses. What was left for her to do now? Chris is dead, car keys are God knows where, and Chris's cell phone lay broken on the ground. Then it dawned on her – she still had her own phone in her backpack. But she didn't even get the chance to stick her hand into the bag when a large, calloused hand was pressed to her mouth, and sharp pain pierced her body. Chelsea couldn't even manage to react when someone roughly pushed her down on the ground, and she landed on her back. Trying to gather herself despite the pain, she lifted her upper torso, using the elbows for support, and saw a knife stuck in her abdomen to the very hilt. The young woman began breathing rapidly and was close to panic, when she saw legs in massive boots right beside her. Looking up, her eyes widened in horror. A monstrous man was looming above her, and from her lying position he looked like a giant to her. Chelsea had no doubt that he was the one who murdered Chris, and it was, as she already guessed, Jason Voorhees himself. In this moment she regretted her own and Chris's foolishness. They should have listened to the warnings, but now it was too late. Jason then lifted his foot and began pressing on the girl's chest, enjoying the sweet sound of her agonizing screams. Jason continued pressing until he heard a disgusting, but at the same time, pleasurable sound of cracking bones. And, as the final step, he pulled out his machete and lifted it up, aiming for the girl's heart. Life was fading in Chelsea's eyes, and all she could do now is follow the monster's movements with her look, as the deadly blade was lifted above her, and in the next second it went down in one swift movement, like a guillotine, piercing right through the heart. Death has taken Chelsea in its embrace, and thus she left the world of the living forever.

Jason was happy. Despite his hate for the trespassers, he was glad for new victims to come to his camp, as this boredom that accompanied him every day was sometimes truly unbearable. But each hunt made blood rush swiftly through his veins and his dead heart beat faster. Jason loved this feeling, it couldn't be compared to anything else in the world. Hopefully, more foolish teens or young adults will come to the camp, and Jason will be looking forward for another hunt.

The Crystal Lake Killer has claimed two more victims. They have been warned… But their fatal mistake has led them to their doom. The names of Chris Neville and Chelsea Rogers have become nothing but memory.

And this was their end.

Their last romance.