
"You've helped me this much. It'll be my duty to pay you back. I shall remember this." Alex was serious about what he said. He looked towards Hana who just smiled back.

"Okay… I give in. But leave it for now. You need to get a footing in this world before you go on about paying me back." Hana nodded. She looked towards the cashier and took the bill.

Hana handed over a small card and said, "Except for what he's wearing, send everything else to this apartment and make it fast. I would be able to tell others about the customer service at this location." The shop owner was pleased with Hana's comments. She dashed out quickly inside the staff room, a wide smile on her face.

Hana looked at the time and smiled but some sorrow seeped into her expression. Before anyone would notice, Hana made a stern expression once more and looked towards Alex. "We need to go. I have one more thing to attend so before that, I'll have to take you to the apartment."

She said as she walked outside of the shop, towards her car. Alex nodded and followed behind. Taking another glance at his surroundings, which was bustling with people. He even noticed some women look towards him.

'I wonder what she has to attend to be in such a hurry. I guess I can ask her later or it might not be my business at all. I am just a nobody in this world. Well, at least I get to have some time to myself and learn the system more.' He thought to himself, taking a sigh of relief.

Alex followed Hana into her car where she drove to a huge apartment. On their way, Alex saw even more huge buildings. Hana looked outside and said, "All of these are apartment complexes. You will be living in my apartment for a day but you need not worry. I won't be there, at all. I haven't lived there for a long time, I have other things to do at night so I usually just sleep in my office and use the apartment for guests. I hope you will like it there." She stopped the car in front of a huge building. Alex got out of the car and saw that the building was a pyramid-shaped complex. The size and shape was something that wasn't common where he came from.

'This world is a lot more advanced than where I came from.' Alex said as he followed Hana inside the building. He also noticed that even entering the apartment required one to insert a card. Everything worked in this world through the use of those cards.

"Maam! You actually decided to come here after some time… And with a man?!" A woman's voice exclaimed. She was shocked by what she was seeing.

Hana shook her head and said, "He is my guest, I have work to do and will probably sleep in my office. Take care of him for me. I need to go as soon as I can." Hana said as her face turned a bit sad.

She looked towards Alex with a smile and said, "I hope you don't mind but I have to be gone. I will be back to take you to Mr. Zhun tomorrow morning. So until then, goodbye Alex."

Alex nodded and smiled back, "Thank you, Hana, I don't think that I would be treated the same by anyone else. It means a lot. Now you don't need to worry about me. It seems like your job is very important so you should go to." Alex said his goodbyes in reply.

Hana nodded in response and looked towards the woman who welcomed her. The woman promptly ran towards Alex with a big smile. Alex was shocked by how happy the woman looked. 'Now that I see her, she is also a pretty one. Every girl that I've seen until now is pretty in this world. Do they have some special beauty genes in their system that makes everyone here attractive?'

The woman was wearing a black pencil skirt, showing off all her curves, she had long curly brown hair. Her lips were plump and her eyes were small. She had a mature look overall. "Sir, Would you want me to take you to Miss Hana's room?" The woman asked.

Alex nodded, "please do."

The two entered an elevator. Alex looked towards the button and saw that they were heading to the top floor, the tip of the pyramid.

"Can I ask you a question?" Alex awkwardly said to the woman.

The woman smiled back and replied, "Yes please, I would never turn down a cute guy like you. When do you plan the date?"

Alex froze when he heard the woman, he just wanted to ask if she knew Hana's powers but the woman talked about a date.

"Hehehe. I'm joking sir. Please, you can ask whatever you want. Rachel is here for service." The woman's name seemed to be Rachel. She laughed when she saw Alex freezing upon after hearing her words.

Alex coughed and looked towards Rachel and said, "Well, I wanted to ask about Hana's Powers. DO you know what power she has? She seems to be a very well known person but I wouldn't know. I just arrived here so I really don't know anything. about Hana or her powers. So I'm curious."

Rachel looked towards Alex with a weird expression but she nodded. "Well, Miss Hana is very special... We don't know what her powers truly are. Her physical abilities are that of an S-Rank alone but that's not her main powers at all. The thing is, no one but herself knows her powers. That's why Miss Hana is known as the unofficial leader of the S-Ranks by us. She is an amazing person. You should be happy that she looks at you with friendly eyes."

Alex felt shocked. He knew that Hana must have been an S Rank just by her authority but he didn't expect this. One thing about the woman's words confused Alex though. "Why did you say the unofficial leader of the S-Ranks by the people? "


Once again on the Discord server, please I'd love it if you people would join my discord server.

I've been working hard and made many chibi emojis of the characters in this novel. Right now, I have 4 Hana emojis, 1 Mary emoji, and 2 Alex emojis. I'm planning to make more in my free time as well.

I also hope you all vote power stones for this novel. It really helps me grow and also motivates me to write more.

Thank you all for reading!

Also, today's chapter is kind of short, 1.2k words instead of the usual 1.5k. There is road construction going on right now and they had to cut off electricity in my area. Thus, I wasn't able to write at all.