
Alex looked towards the UI and was once more confused/

[Inventory- 1 Item]

"Did I get a weapon or something? I don't think I checked my inventory after the entire failed test so I don't know where I got a new item." Alex said to himself as he opened his inventory.

[Reaper's Dagger]

"Wait… Did… Did it come back to me?" Alex thought about it for a few seconds.

"It seems like weapons that I have in my inventory will return even if I lose it. This is helpful but… This might cause a problem. The military probably had it before the dagger returned to my inventory."

Alex sighed," Tomorrow will be a long day." He knew that there might be fuss on how Alex's weapon disappeared from there but Alex could do nothing about it. He could only make a reason and hope that they don't attack him or detain him for it.

Alex got off the sofa and walked to the bathroom. He looked towards the mirror and said, "I look different. I also feel taller. The system even decided to change some of my physical appearances. I used to have acne filled face, and a relatively average height but even I noticed that I was taller after nearly dying." Alex took off his shirt and inspected his body.

"I was never fit, only thin. I had no toned muscles, but now, even without working out… I have defined muscles. My chest is larger, I have toned abs. This system did transform me, didn't it?" Alex put his shirt back on.

He looked towards the mirror and sighed," Well, I don't know anymore. Many thing are happening, all out of my understanding. All that I can do now is… Rest. I need to sleep." Alex decided to just sleep it off. He was already tired so he had decided to just sleep and leave his problem for another day.

Alex walked to the living room once again and used the phone. He was also very hungry and thus decided to call for some food.

After some time, his food arrived. Alex opened the door to get his food and noticed that there were bags beside his door. 'This logo is the same logo of that clothes shop. It seems like they brought my clothes already. It's nearly 10 pm and they still delivered my clothes. I guess Hana's reputation and words are really important. ' Alex said as he took the food and his clothes.

"At least I can wear something more comfortable to sleep." He said to himself as he changed his clothes.

It was a fast night for Alex. He changed clothes, had dinner, and fell to sleep almost instantly.

[Morning training initiated]

A woman's sweet voice filled Alex's ears. He was jolted awake by the voice of the system.

"WHAT?" Alex, who was woken up instantly by the System's voice was annoyed. He looked at the prompt and noticed the words/

[Morning Training - 1 hour]

"I have to train? What will happen if I miss the training or just not do it?" Alex said to himself as he tucked himself back in bed.

But before he could even fall asleep, Alex hears the system's voice.

[Failure will lead to debuff, decrease in HP and MP]

Alex this time, woke up instantly. The last thing he wanted was to lose the low amount of health and mana he had. 'What if I get injured, I can't just heal myself if I don't have the mana. This damn system doesn't even let me sleep properly.' Alex suddenly stopped changing and looked towards the clock.

"IT'S 5 AM IN THE MORNING AND IT WANTS ME TO GO AND TRAIN? WHAT DOES IT EVEN WANT ME TO TRAIN?" Alex was annoyed about waking up at 5 am. He used to wake up at 6 in the morning but it was only so he could reach offices so he would be the first one to come and apply for the job. If there was nothing else, Alex would sleep to 10 in the morning.

Alex, still looking annoyed quickly pressed the expand option under the training prompt.

[10 Kilometer run]

[300 pushups]

[300 squats]

[300 sit ups]

[20 minutes skipping]

Alex looked confused by the regiment. It was something that no one could just do.

"These numbers are crazy. I don't even have a skipping rope, How do I skip? 10 Kilometers? That's.. That's a lot of running. And finally, the 300 push-ups, squats, and sit-ups? This will kill me." Alex lazily said as he looked to the ceiling. Before he could do anything, the system's voice once again repeated.

[55 minutes remaining, failure to comply will lead to player debuff and decrease in HP and MP]

"Okay, Okay. I get it. I need to do these." Alex got up and walked outside of the apartment, and headed inside the elevator.

As soon as he exited the elevator, Alex's head a voice/

"A morning bird? That also in those clothes… It seems like sir is out for a jog?" A girl said from behind the reception.

Alex smiled and walked towards the reception, "You are correct, but I need to ask. Do you have any spare skipping ropes? I'm just a guest here and I forgot to bring them. I just can't have a day where I don't skip. It just feels like a bad day." Alex awkwardly laughed as he asked for a skipping rope.

"Ahh! Sir, you're awake this early. Don't worry, I'll bring you a skipping rope right awake!" Rachel walked out of the staff room and saw Alex. She had already heard Alex's query and quickly ran into a room nearby. A few seconds later, Rachel ran out with a skipping rope.

Alex smiled and quickly thanked Rachel, He wished he could thank her properly but seeing the timer at the corner of his vision, counting down just stressed Alex out.

Alex started with jogging. "This really isn't that bad. I thought that running for 10 kilometers would be impossible but it seems like after increasing mu agility and speed, I can possibly do it." Alex felt happy. He knew that he was no longer as weak as he used to be before.

After 20 minutes of jogging, Alex had already finished the 10 km run. He quickly set to skipping which, even though he felt exhausted, Alex could do in no time.

Alex didn't notice that a few people were watching his work out.

"Is he a new awakened?"

"Why is he working so hard? It's only 5:30 am."

"That's a good habit to have."

A few bystanders said as they walked past Alex, skipping nonstop. Alex 20 minutes of gruesome skipping, Alex sat down on the ground. His hands felt numb, his clothes were covered in sweat and Alex just felt completely exhausted. But there also seemed to be a fire in Alex's eyes.

After noticing that he had become more powerful, Alex felt motivation again.

He quickly set to start doing pushups. One by one, Alex set out and did 300 pushups. His hands were completely numb by the pain but he pushed forward. After completing the pushups, Alex felt a rush of adrenaline flow through his body.

Alex then decided to do another 300 squats but even before he could do one, a prompt appeared in front of him, completely horrifying Alex.

[Task- Morning training. In complete.]

[Debuff applied. 5% loss in HP and MP.]

Alex felt drained when he saw the prompts. He was working hard but the system didn't even give him time. 'It wakes me up at 5 saying that training has started, not even giving me even the smallest amount of time to change or get fresh. Then it gives next to impossible tasks for a normal person to finish in an hour. And is now giving me a debuff and I lose my health and mana with the debuff.'

Alex sighed, He shook his head and continued doing the task. 'I don't care if the time finished, I will finish this training!' Alex was still motivated for self-improvement. He knew that he could just return to the room without completing his task but Alex continued to do it. It wasn't for the system, he did it for himself.

As Alex continued to do squats, a familiar voice said, "Alex?!'


I have once again started to post chapters earlier.

I hope you all have been enjoying the story.

WPC is about to end this reset but I still hope you all continue to vote. It's really motivating to see that my readers care and even put out stones on this novel.

I have a huge plan for this novel and I hope you all will enjoy it as I continue to write it.

I am only human and might have made mistakes, please if you can. Point them out so I can fix them. English isn't my best suit but I'm trying my best to improve every chapter I write.

For now, I'm just panning it but I might do words per week based on the votes I get in the previous week. As I'm still planning on it, I'll just go with 10.5k words a week for now.

Once again, I thank you all for the power stones and I hope you all continue to vote (Have to be shameless and ask haha).

I also hope to get good news when the results for this WPC comes out.