The crystal

Alex wasn't dumb enough to spill out everything he knew about the other creatures. If he did so, he knew that they would have interrogated him to know everything about him. Alex kept quiet and only listened to the conversation between Buster and Sir fire.

Sir Fire nodded, "The reports are old, maybe even filled with misunderstandings. You never know. For now, we should be more focused on the things that we know for sure. And now we know that the gates can evolve more than once. This time, it was from a D ranked gate to a pseudo A rank gate. We could never know, It could have evolved once more to an S rank gate, something that only a few in the country can deal with all by themselves."

Sir fire then turned towards a small door at the corner of the beast room and said, "Let's have a look at these new variants of Reapers." He seemed to be a bit excited but also a bit cautious when he walked towards the room.

Midnight looked towards the room, "If there is no elevator, How did you all bring the beasts into the underground facility? I'd doubt it would have reached here before us by dragging it down the stairs." She looked a bit confused.

Buster smiled, "Well, when you think about it, they have a rather fun path to this facility. A chute… They get slid down a pretty narrow chute. It's quick and you can move them to their respective cells easily. Now, we can't have chutes for awakened or the normal workers here for obvious reasons, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt…"

Sir Fire smiled at Alex and Midnight, "Today, you two will see a special experiment that I will conduct on the reaper. It will check what the crystal and it's usage... if it has any."

The two nodded when they heard Sir Fire. Alex looked curious, He wanted to know what type of experiments they would conduct.

The four entered the room to see 2 scientists attaching wires to the reaper's chest. The crystal didn't seem to be anywhere on its body. Buster, confused by what he just saw spoke, "Where is the crystal?"

One of the scientists looked towards a table at the back and spoke, "The crystal seems to be an external thing that was only attached loosely to their body. It has nothing to do with their biology, it looks more like a piece of gem that they are wearing around their chest as a symbol or something of that sort. But once again, We haven't conducted any tests on the crystal so these are our current speculations. Sir Fire, We will go to the computers. Just give us the work and we can begin the electron impulse tests."

Sir Fire nodded, He looked towards Buster and said, "I don't think it's some kind of ornament but we never know. In a way, it would make sense if they were ornaments, representing a newly evolved reaper but again, why would they do that… Well, let's hope it is an ornament, which means that there would be no greater use of the crystal than just looks."

Buster nodded in agreement with Sir Fire. Alex and midnight also agreed with what Sir Fire said.

The three were provided with glasses and taken back to another room. They had a clear view of the cell with the crystal. Sir Fire took out a microphone and spoke, "Just increase the impulse by a small amount."

He then looked towards Alex and Midnight and explained, "You might be confused by this test so let me give a brief explanation as those two set up the device. This is the first test we do to many new materials from the gates. It just tells us if the objects can conduct electricity and if it can carry energy. Basing off the fact that the reapers are carrying it, If it isn't for ornaments, it must be to carry energy. That is our number one theory for why the reapers are attacking our world, to get energy from us. But this is just a theory because if that were the case, how would they carry the electricity. These crystals haven't been seen before today so It wouldn't make sense. Well, once again, we never know so We're starting off with this experiment. Essentially, we will send small impulses of electrons to the crystal. If the crystal has the capacity to carry the electrons, they can conduct electricity as well as have the capacity to hold energy. This will be done many times so it could get boring. But this is a once in a lifetime thing for outsiders to see. Haha." Sir fire laughed after explaining the details of the experiment.

The two nodded after hearing sir Fire's words and looked towards the crystal closely. "3.2…1" One of the scientists said before pulling a small level slowly.

Everyone looked towards the crystal, waiting for something to happen but they were returned in silence.

Sir Fire looked disappointed, "That might have been too little, have about more energy this time…"

The scientists nodded and turned the valve even more. "3..2…1"

The once again pushed the lever and waited.

Alex also watched the crystal, waiting for some kind of reaction from it.

A sudden prompt appeared in front of Alex.

[Energy source found. If absorbed, player's Skills can be upgraded.]

As soon as Alex read the prompt, He saw that the crystal had started to glow a light blue color.


Kinda late that is partially my fault.

But I hope you all liked it!

Thank you for reading!

It's been 13 days since I've been in contact with the covid infected person and still no symptoms so safe to say that I dodged that haha.