Tell me

Alex and Midnight nodded and walked followed behind Buster, who took the two towards the break room. As they walked up the stairs, they could hear the howls of the reapers, this time it was increasingly getting louder. And the reapers were getting restless. Buster sighed, "I really wish we could do something about the noise but I guess experimenting on living organisms would give us some bad karma, Even if they were murdering creatures."

Midnight giggled when she heard Buster. Buster looked towards Alex, and spoke, "Alex, I want to ask you a few things when we get to the break room. After that, I'll have to head back."

Alex nodded, He didn't know what Buster would ask about. But he could see in Buster's expression that he meant it in a more casual manner.

The three walked up the stairs and into a large room. Inside, a few men and women sat. The sound of people conversing filled the room, laughs and rants were heard. When they saw the three enter the room, they quieted down their voices, It seemed like they didn't want to disturb them.

Buster laughed and shook his head, "Don't need to be so uptight around me, I've said this a million times… This is the break room, You call are here to relax from your work. So you all can continue on your own talks, we'll be doing the same."

Hearing Buster put a small smile on everyone's face. 'He's not a bad guy at all.' Alex said to himself. After going through many jobs in his life, Alex had seen many people. After getting to know the buster a bit better, Alex could confidently say that Buster was a genuinely good person.

The three sat down on by a table. They sat and drank some coffee, ordered by buster. Alex looked at the staff, "This is really a big place, having a cafe-like area as a break room."

Buster laughed when he heard Alex, "it's is quite a big place but you're lucky to be inside of it. Only a select few are here. And except for a few awakened like me, The rest of the staff live here. Even Sir Fire lives here."

Alex nodded when he heard Buster. "You said that you had questions for me?" Alex asked.

Buster nodded when he heard Alex.

"Alex, can you tell me about your world? And what happened to you to get here." Buster said with a curious look on his face.

"You must have been through a lot to get here. And looking at the confused expression you have at things that we consider normal, I just got a bit curious about your world. We've had people who have crossed from other worlds to ours before but the numbers are rare, only a handful in our country and a few dozen in the entire world. Most of them are injured and near death. So someone like you, are extremely rare in our world. Plus, The entire concept of meeting people from an entirely other universe is something that still surprises me. So that's why I asked the question. If it's something that you are not comfortable with answering, you don't need to. I completely understand."

Alex smiled when he heard Buster, He shook his head, "No, It's fine. I've already answered this question to Hana so why would I want to keep it from you two. Although the events that lead me to come here does make me start to hate my past self. I was naive about the entire concept of everything that went in my world but still, I can't help but hold some of those feeling..."

Midnight shook her head when she heard Alex, "You can take your time, I'm sure sharing your feelings with others will help you get these feeling out of your chest."


It's short, I know

I'm just burned out from everything that's going on right now. But I didn't want you all to not have a chapter.

I'll try to put out a complete chapter tomorrow so Look out for that!