Shin's Story

"Why would you say that I need to be at least a B rank awakened?" Alex was curious, he didn't know much about the case but Sir Fire knew a lot about it. 'I don't think that Sir Fire is a person who would underestimate me so I'm sure him saying that has a proper reason.' Alex thought as he waited for Sir Fire to Answer his question. 

Sir Fire looked at Alex and smiled, "It's so you don't die. From what I know, the scientist isn't really that powerful, but he is an awakened. And well, we know nothing about his powers so being the same strength as him would be better. That and when investigating clues, one has to go to shady places. People up to B rank in terms of strength aren't as common but A rank criminals are almost non existent. So that just means that you'll be strong enough to fend for yourself if you ever get jumped. That is if you're sure about helping Hana."