
'But all this information would be useless as I'm sure everyone has thought of that before. But It is good to know that I should be wary around politicians if I ever come across them in the future.' Alex thought as he looked out of the window. He watched as the car passed through a dense forest. Midnight looked at Alex and smiled, "I know what you're thinking, It's in everyone's mind. The top dogs never want us to have an organization of our own so they have tried to keep us in check or try to be in charge of the Bureau. But all of them failed. This attack proves that at least our enemies have backings from a top dog. But this thing gets more complicated as we really don't have any idea who the people behind this attack were. From what Shin explained on how she was abducted and forced to attack this facility under the mind control, It sounds like an organization… I suppose we'll get some more information as we investigate more on them." She sighed