
Ryan looked a bit distressed when he heard about Mary taking one of the live reapers for the Army. He looked at Master Zhun and said, "Would this lead to any problems?" 

Master Zhun pointed to himself in a confused manner and smiled, "I really don't know. I'm just the leader here until either Hana or Little Gold takes the seat. Or maybe someone else who has proved even more prowess could come up to be another candidate. So don't ask me. I try to stay away from anything political, you of all people know that about me." Master Zhun said with a silly face. 

Midnight giggled and looked at Alex, "Master Zhun might look like the serious kind but when anyone takes out the topic of politics, He starts to act like a goofball and like he knows nothing." She whispered softly. 

Ryan Put his palm on his forehead and sighed, "Why did I even ask." Master Zhun smiled and shrugged when he heard Ryan.