
Vis laughed when he heard Ryan's words, "Well, I never gave it a thought but yeah, they've already lost. Once Hana takes down the scientist, she will for sure go for their leader. We will also need to help her in her investigation but things are tight because of the increase in gates… But even if we offered her help…" Ryan nodded when he heard Vis's words. 

He looked at Vis and said, "That I have covered… Hana seems to be a bit fond of Alex, the reason is unknown but she does seem to trust him… And she has already said that she will allow him to help her once He ranks up to B rank. Which, looking at his growth, once we provide some intense training, he's already at a point where he could fight with a B rank head-on… So once he becomes more trained in combat, he'll reach it quickly. I'd say one week and then we will name him to be a B rank…"